Damn Capcom!
The level of incompetency for this certainly will not make you any new friends here with this redeem code MESS.
First the webpage doesn't work for ages.
Now - finally - I could register everwhere, join everything that Capcom wants you to.
And now, after all this unnerving hazzle I klick on redeem code and nothing happens?????
Reading about all the problems people have here I can only say:
Way to go Capcom, that's exactly how to make people like you more. Not.
I need to start using the GIF. 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
the code you entered may not be correct or may no longer be valid will try again later on. hopefully it wil work tonight.
Capcom I need help.My code says (Error has Occurred).My only question is when are the PS3 beta going to start.Thanks for the code and please tell sony to get their butts up and start the activation for the PS3 codes.Thanks.
Yeah a lot of us are bummed that we have to wait till much later to get the demo . thanks Lost planet 2 community and Capcom !!!!
God I can't believeso many people just joined CAPCOM for a stupid code. I joined CAPCOM for their awesome games and then these hordes of people join for a sill code and then yell at them.Really people!?CAPCOM didn't create this mess.The people trying to get the code did.I think those code users who are mad need to shut-up and get over it.It's a freaking beta!How about they move it to December 2010!They are working so hard for us and then this is the respect you give them.You people shouldn't have even gotten a code!
yea the website woouldnt load yesterday. I was on three different computers for hours trying to load lostplanetcommunity.com and now they want us to pay(preorder) to get this demo. lol capcom u guys are hilarious.
people are bummed because it doesn't work like it should. we know capcom games are awesome. that's why we want to play this.
they sent me a code and right now it doesnt work.......i just unsubscribed cause i tried to get another one, i didnt get one??? will my other one work later????
Yeah i have been a fan since the original bio-hazard ( Resident Evil ) appeared on playstation . It kinda makes me feel ripped off and sad that they would do this . I feel for everyone whom either got a non working code or spent all day trying to obtain a code only to be turned away at the door . Capcom , dont let us down , please tell me there is a fix coming where we dont have to preform tricks on either facebook or twitter !!!
God I can't believeso many people just joined CAPCOM for a stupid code. I joined CAPCOM for their awesome games and then these hordes of people join for a sill code and then yell at them.Really people!?CAPCOM didn't create this mess.The people trying to get the code did.I think those code users who are mad need to shut-up and get over it.It's a freaking beta!How about they move it to December 2010!They are working so hard for us and then this is the respect you give them.You people shouldn't have even gotten a code!
I agree to an extent, however a post like that will just supply them with something else to be angry about.
Personally i haven't got a code and am not bothered, im just excited that a game of this calibur is being released for my fav console. Woot! Roll on May 11th 