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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Dec 18, 2009 - 8:01PM #491
Posts: 2,074

Dec 18, 2009 -- 6:29PM, AkaRed35 wrote:

Dec 18, 2009 -- 4:39PM, Deaco wrote:

Oct 27, 2009 -- 6:42PM, Snow wrote:

Back from NYC and being sick the weekend after to cause hell... I mean, um, answer ur kwestuns. 

Oct 25, 2009 -- 10:23AM, Deaco wrote:

Oh, just thought up this question last night.

Will there be levels in campaign or Multiplayer where you will fight underwater? Or like in a large swampland full of trees walking through water? I noticed the Nevec soldiers in Diving Outfits so I just wondered.



Any more information you can give about that?

why do people relate the game more and more to Monster Hunter?? "Oh, can we carve off the skin of the Giant Akrids and make outfits out of them????"

I have never played Monster Hunter, Nor did I ask this question as to relate this game to Monster Hunter in ANY way. I stated this question because in one of the trailers you can see a Submarine or some type of underwater vessel, Also you will see NeVeC forces in Scub uniforms sneaking from underwater to the harbor of the base. I never in any way had an idea in my mind of Monster Hunter.

End of Discussion.

Have a question? Send me a Message!
Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Dec 19, 2009 - 9:02AM #492
Posts: 1,366

Monster Hunter is one of my favorite games as is PSO / PSU and if Lost Planet is just slightly heading in that same direction i would be a really happy man!

10 years ago  ::  Dec 19, 2009 - 12:39PM #493
Posts: 1,366


Oct 7, 2009 -- 1:36PM, Snow wrote:

Oct 4, 2009 -- 12:41PM, maiky-nisute wrote:


Will there be "town like" loby's 

Will there be great that needs to be crafted?

Will there submariens

Will there be a local co-up (lan mode)

will there be tree's you can climb al the way up?

In the helicopter can you diside what to take? like a boot, a transport crate or a VS.

Will the buildings in the town be open?

Is there more than one way to finish the game?

With how many players can you play the game in online battle (not the co-up mode)

Can you  catch Sir Om Nom Nom so you can take care of him to be your friend? (a place to sleep when the days are cold)

Will there be colonies to chose from? or your own home town or snow pirate clan.

Will there be a "great host" system and a "beginner host" system so that people will see if some one is a great host or new to hosting games or even a bad host?

Will there be easter eggs in the game like Christmas trees in dec and a mantis on broom in oct?

will there be a clan system and would they be able to create their own clan sticker/logo for in game reconition?

Will shields have weaknesses and durability? 

In co-up mode can you turn friendly fire on and of?

how many more type of akrid will there be in the game?

Can we compare Lost Planet 2 with Monster Hunter in a way?

Do you have any questions for me?

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

Some akrid seem to fight them self.. are there high AI akrid,s and low AI akrid's in the game?

Will we go off the planet in this game?

when your termal runs out will heat effect you as mush as cold does (slowly killing you when you are out)

well that is it...

I'm not being rude, but forgive me here. I'm not going to answer any of these questions. It's just too early for most of them to start being talked about, or they lead to answers that will eventually cross into things we don't want to talk about at the moment. 

Sorry again. 

For everyone else, I read all the questions here. I just don't answer them all do to the fact the answer has the potential to go into something we're not discussing at the moment. So feel free to ask away, just don't expect answers for everything right now. 


Oct 7, 2009 -- 1:53PM, Snow wrote:

Oct 7, 2009 -- 1:47PM, maiky-nisute wrote:

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

Well, all Akrid have various ways of "seeing" the world around them. For instance, look at the Salamander, or the Akrid I talked about in the desert stage... Those Arkid, like others, have no eyes at all. 

One of my favorites are those desert stage Akrid, with their radar like ability to see the world around them with sound. 

Since all Akrid are so varied from one species to the next, I don't think it's a matter of "are Akrid color blind," but rather, "How do Akrid see and perceive the world around them?" And like the Akrid, the answer to that is just as varied. Cool

Any chance on answering the rest of the questions Snow? Or is it still to early?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 20, 2009 - 6:46PM #494
infra red011
Posts: 142

One thing I would like to know is whether or not we will be seeing more use out of the flashlights on the guns, and on Vs's on , the Campaign, and Multiplayer. I personally liked using the flashlight alot in the first Lost Planet, but there was never really alot of places where it was really useful.  I Did notice however, that the Flashlights on both the guns and Vs's have been increased in size (they actually iluminate alot more is what I mean).

10 years ago  ::  Dec 20, 2009 - 8:52PM #495
Posts: 137

Dec 20, 2009 -- 6:46PM, infra red011 wrote:

One thing I would like to know is whether or not we will be seeing more use out of the flashlights on the guns, and on Vs's on , the Campaign, and Multiplayer. I personally liked using the flashlight alot in the first Lost Planet, but there was never really alot of places where it was really useful.  I Did notice however, that the Flashlights on both the guns and Vs's have been increased in size (they actually iluminate alot more is what I mean).

I agree. Lost Planet needs MOAR flashlight. (Only a lil' bit though :D)

10 years ago  ::  Dec 20, 2009 - 9:32PM #496
Posts: 261

Something I thought would have been cool to see in the first game was statistics about how much I played the game. Stuff like how much time I spent in online battles, most used weapon, most played map, stuff like that. Maybe even kills per weapon. Will Lost Planet 2 feature anything like this?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 21, 2009 - 7:08AM #497
Posts: 890

Dec 20, 2009 -- 9:32PM, Ender wrote:

Something I thought would have been cool to see in the first game was statistics about how much I played the game. Stuff like how much time I spent in online battles, most used weapon, most played map, stuff like that. Maybe even kills per weapon. Will Lost Planet 2 feature anything like this?

Well they did have a history on the main menu such as total kills, deaths, headshots, kill ratio, ect. I would love to see something like that again but with more added to it.

PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)

10 years ago  ::  Dec 21, 2009 - 9:52AM #498
Posts: 71

Snow... Will you be playing on the PSN at all? If so would you roll with me and my freinds when LP2 come out in some co-op?

Now to some legit questions. In LP1 you could zipline and shoot at any point of the process. In LP2 will this be restricted in any manner of animation?

10 years ago  ::  Dec 21, 2009 - 12:57PM #499
Posts: 4,873

Dec 21, 2009 -- 9:52AM, Benjamin wrote:

Snow... Will you be playing on the PSN at all? If so would you roll with me and my freinds when LP2 come out in some co-op?

Now to some legit questions. In LP1 you could zipline and shoot at any point of the process. In LP2 will this be restricted in any manner of animation?

Definitely. I'll be on PSN playing for sure. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
10 years ago  ::  Dec 21, 2009 - 7:00PM #500
Posts: 343

Hey Snow i got some questions im hoping u'll answer.


1. will u be able to move if ur geting shot at for competitve multiplayer unlike LP1


2. will maps from LP1 be in LP2


3. will there be somekind of real puase button for single player


4. will there be DLC skins,maps,tuants ect...


5. for the wesker skin by pre order will there be any other capcom characters joining the game for online like i would like to see Leon,Chris,Jill,Frank West,Megaman ESPESCIALLY!!!,bionic commando (would make sense becuase of the grapple hook),SF Guile,Ryu,Dark Void (good for advertisment),Captain Commando(PLEAZE!!!!)ect...


6. how will our customizable characters be or show for cutscenes in single player like CGI cutscenes ect...


7.will we be able to customize guns and VS's like attachment and skins


8. how many player online vs match for competitive play


9. is there anyway to make the camera not come up close to ur character when u sprint


10. will the new grapple hook skillz be affective for competitve online play like lets say i see a enemy on the other team whos in a VS press square and hold to shoot the grapple hook will i be able to stick on to his VS and shoot him while stuck on shooting his VS from the inside out


11. if people are playing lets say 2 player co op could 2 other players join during the game?


12. will there be any flying akrid boss fights like a giant moth or something


13.  how long do u think this game can last someone months,years ect...


14. will there be any type of team moves like lets say when the battle guage reaches like 10000 all 4 players will get infinite T-Eng for a period of time or maybe invincibility or each character can move twice as fast,infinite ammo, longer grapple hook reach ect.. i think this would be a good addition to the game for more co op teamwork then ever for co op and competitve


15. will there be any human or VS boss fights other then akrid


16. will the online servers work really well


17. will capcom send us online updates in the game for things like DLC,updates, ect...


18. when will u guys release the real box art for the game


19. will all the glitches and bugs and problems like AI,going through enemys,enemys death animation, water effects, salamander glitches ect... be fully fixed in the final version


20. hows the progress of the game so far?


Thats all my questions plz answer them and plz if u can message me when u have



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