Will the episode 6 akrid be the final boss?Or there is a FINAL episode with epic...everything?
The whole final episode being epic everything comment is about as close as you can get without spoiling anything =3
Capcom can limit the amount of collectors?
Limited Editon Collectors Edition? That's an interesting combo. Or perhaps they can do what Naughty Dog did with Uncharted 2. They had the "Limited Edition Collectors Edition", but it was even more of a collectors edition because you couldn't buy it at retailers. The only way you could get it is by winning it in a contest.
Yea, that was a pretty cool idea...
I got a question. Any chance that we can get a sweet backround of LP2? Ive been looking all over the place for a Nice LP2 backround, but my efforts have been in vain. Can you help, Snow?
You mean like a PC wallpaper?
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I got a question. Any chance that we can get a sweet backround of LP2? Ive been looking all over the place for a Nice LP2 backround, but my efforts have been in vain. Can you help, Snow?
You mean like a PC wallpaper?
Yeah PC wallpaper. That would be nice right about now, lol
Will the episode 6 akrid be the final boss?Or there is a FINAL episode with epic...everything?
The whole final episode being epic everything comment is about as close as you can get without spoiling anything =3
Yeah, thats right you were talking about each episode progresses in action, AND eventually all the factions you play with intertwine right?
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Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Capcom can limit the amount of collectors?
Limited Editon Collectors Edition? That's an interesting combo. Or perhaps they can do what Naughty Dog did with Uncharted 2. They had the "Limited Edition Collectors Edition", but it was even more of a collectors edition because you couldn't buy it at retailers. The only way you could get it is by winning it in a contest.
Even better, do that Ubisot and Aksys did, preorder the game and automatically get upgraded to the Collector's Edition.  Snow, personally I find "Making of" videos in CE a waste of resources, they are better off in Youtube. Give us a comprehensive artbook (all akrid, VS's, characters). An action figure of the baddest VS in LP2. Maybe an orange t-shirt with a shadowy Sir on nomnom (or viceversa). Or maybe no CE, but just throw in all these bonuses for pre-ordering. Just some ideas ;) Guys, I can't wait to kill and teabag you all in multiplayer Oh yeah, offline access to multiplayer maps, for those times when the active population drops down 
Hey Snow, quick question. Is the Music used in Red Eyes boss battle the same music used in the Episode 3 portion of the TGS Trailer?
The whole final episode being epic everything comment is about as close as you can get without spoiling anything =3
I know what the final boss will be... It has become quite clear to me that at the rate that the Catagory-G Akrid increase in size, (surely by orders of magnitude) The final Akrid boss would have to be, in order to maintain the exponential rate of growth,... THE ENTIRE PLANET AS ONE LUDICROUSLY, MIND_BLOWINGLY GINOURMOUS AKRID SPACE MONSTER. This is the only logical conclusion.
GT: Gonzogamer X
New Question Is the game going to be hard? Not just like shenanigan hard like the last one where you just had a ridiculously low amount of thermal but like legitimately difficult even with 4 people and basically impossible with anything less.
oe thanks for that it seams i never replied to that one ... up to now.. but now i did muhahahaha
Maybe an orange t-shirt with a shadowy Sir on nomnom (or viceversa).
A shadowy Sir On Nom Nom wearing an orange t-shirt? lol
The shirt says "Get in mah belly!"
There is a difference between those who know the path and those who walk it. I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new.
Gamertag: Jason El Cuervo PSN: Kenjiro88