During the opening scene of Chapter 3 where your infiltratating the city, you see a blimp with an intercom about a revolution of some sort and another about a conflict with two other groups already going on while you are running around. Does this mean that you will see more of a full-scale battle anytime in the game? Like more than a small group of snow pirates and some Akrid ambush, but like 4 different groups of Snow pirates fighting at the same time in a Skirmish of some sort?
That's actually the beginning of Episode 2 (the game is broken down into episodes, and each episode is then broken down into chapters). So that particular battle is actually 2 sides, the people you are playing as, and the city pirates. So the City Pirates have figured out you're coming... Hence the radio chatter. But I don't want to spoil the story, so I'll leave it at that. As far as huge epic battles, yea, you'll see some. It's far more hectic of a game this time around, especially with four players in the co-op. It gets even more and more epic and grand as you get near the final episodes of the game.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
During the opening scene of Chapter 3 where your infiltratating the city, you see a blimp with an intercom about a revolution of some sort and another about a conflict with two other groups already going on while you are running around. Does this mean that you will see more of a full-scale battle anytime in the game? Like more than a small group of snow pirates and some Akrid ambush, but like 4 different groups of Snow pirates fighting at the same time in a Skirmish of some sort?
That's actually the beginning of Episode 2 (the game is broken down into episodes, and each episode is then broken down into chapters). So that particular battle is actually 2 sides, the people you are playing as, and the city pirates. So the City Pirates have figured out you're coming... Hence the radio chatter. But I don't want to spoil the story, so I'll leave it at that.
As far as huge epic battles, yea, you'll see some. It's far more hectic of a game this time around, especially with four players in the co-op. It gets even more and more epic and grand as you get near the final episodes of the game.
Ohhhh okay, I see...Still need to get used to the Episode--->Chapter thing 
Edit: Yay 400th Post! 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
What about cutscenes? Are we gonna get many with alot of dialogue? I know the main character is "you", which is really awesome. But I noticed from the demo that it's just epic battle after epic battle where you just kinda have to catch on to what's going on. I guess I can speculate with the TGS trailer, but I want some confirmation. I really want an immensive story line.
@Snow: will we see the same demo on the xbox that we can play on the PS3 soon?
If we gave out info or dates that weren't accurate, then they changed, how would you feel as a fan? A little disappointed, right?
The Super Smash Bros Brawl fiasco comes to mind.
What about cutscenes? Are we gonna get many with alot of dialogue? I know the main character is "you", which is really awesome. But I noticed from the demo that it's just epic battle after epic battle where you just kinda have to catch on to what's going on. I guess I can speculate with the TGS trailer, but I want some confirmation. I really want an immensive story line.
Oh definitely. The cutscenes for LP2 were actually done by a director. It's extremely cool, and really makes it feel like you're a part of an epic action movie or something. You're character is always in the mix, whether on camera or in the background, and it's easier to distinguish who your character is once you actually customize it.
@Snow: will we see the same demo on the xbox that we can play on the PS3 soon?
Nope. The PS3 demo was developed later than the 360 demo. And something most people don't know is that demos are expensive, and time consuming to make and host on the consoles.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Will North America get one of these? If so, will PS3 get one as well?
Sorry, I must have missed this one. But the answer is yes.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Will North America get one of these? If so, will PS3 get one as well?
Sorry, I must have missed this one. But the answer is yes.
lol. Snow, you're outworking yourself. You already answered this question early.
And as far as the Japanese community site, they're starting to tease some interesting things. Problem is, it's not fully functional yet. That said, we have some cool things planned for you guys here very soon. 
Will North America get one of these? If so, will PS3 get one as well?
Sorry, I must have missed this one. But the answer is yes.
lol. Snow, you're outworking yourself. You already answered this question early.
And as far as the Japanese community site, they're starting to tease some interesting things. Problem is, it's not fully functional yet. That said, we have some cool things planned for you guys here very soon. 
LOL wow... Don't know where my head went there.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter