In this: www.capcom-unity.com/lost_planet/go/thre... topic we see a ton of new pictures can you lett something more about what we see or dint see?
nu uh! maybe for the Demo of LP 2 but for the MP of LP1 you HAVE to have 16 players
And for the Gamestop Preorder they'll give you a code when you get it
I don't know what you're talking about when I host I usually start at 8.
thats usually what i do when i host, it's very tiresome to wait till 16players are in the room, and when you start the game theirs always one or two, three sometimes four or five people that drop out of the room as soon as the game starts. ive found that people tend to cooperate more when you're playing with smaller teams, i think the host should have the ability to set the # of people per team and only that # can join into the games. id much rather play 4v4 or 5v5 games instead of a full 8v8.
i think the host should have the ability to set the # of people per team and only that # can join into the games.
Like with Fugitive matches.
Will North America get one of these? If so, will PS3 get one as well?
i sure hope so! I wouldn't seem fair if PS3 didn't get one. But clans would still be possible without one so no biggy.
Moderated by
on Nov 30, 2009 - 03:46AM
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
really?? man that's gay! cuz when I ask the host to start it they always say it HAS to be 16 in order to start, they prolly want a full room but still...and thanks for the heads up!
Yea... You can start a match with only one other person if you really wanted, given you're the host. And as far as the Japanese community site, they're starting to tease some interesting things. Problem is, it's not fully functional yet. That said, we have some cool things planned for you guys here very soon. 
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
O.o even more? why not just give us a date or at least the same demo as the PS3 one
O.o even more? why not just give us a date or at least the same demo as the PS3 one
To put it simply, we don't reveal everything right away because we have Marketing, PR, and Community plans that all specifically fall on revealing certain information at an appropriate time. It's a tricky beast, the Games Industry. If we revealed everything right away, there'd be a ton of hype immediately, then no new information to revitalize the hype from the community. This goes for every game, not just LP. You have to understand that sometimes even the dates we have internally may not be accurate or final. When developing a game you're always bound to run into hurdles, those of which might slow down progess or change dates. So we don't make any official announcements about things until they are absolutely certain. If we gave out info or dates that weren't accurate, then they changed, how would you feel as a fan? A little disappointed, right? In turn, we don't want you to become disappointed by releasing inaccurate info. Instead, we ask for a little patience from you fans while we get everything finalized enough to reveal more.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
To put it simply, we don't reveal everything right away because we have Marketing, PR, and Community plans that all specifically fall on revealing certain information at an appropriate time. It's a tricky beast, the Games Industry. If we revealed everything right away, there'd be a ton of hype immediately, then no new information to revitalize the hype from the community. This goes for every game, not just LP.
You have to understand that sometimes even the dates we have internally may not be accurate or final. When developing a game you're always bound to run into hurdles, those of which might slow down progess or change dates. So we don't make any official announcements about things until they are absolutely certain.
If we gave out info or dates that weren't accurate, then they changed, how would you feel as a fan? A little disappointed, right? In turn, we don't want you to become disappointed by releasing inaccurate info. Instead, we ask for a little patience from you fans while we get everything finalized enough to reveal more.
What if you tell us you found a "rumor" about a date, which is really your current internal date, but tell us that it is strictly a bad "rumor" that is going around . I wouldn't be dissappointed with a rumor 
I'm just curious but are there more weapons that are like the GunSword? Wanna see how far I go with hacking and slashing the Category G Akrid 
LOL You're gonna slash the Cat Gs to death!?! Awesome. The Gun Sword is certainly a badass weapon, but one thing the weapons team was careful about was not to copy/paste gun ideas too much. They focused more on making the weapons unique, so the Gun Sword is sort of it's own thing. Hell, even all the returning weapons have seen some major tweaks to make them all feel like their own gun. Not just visually and audibly either, but in actual mechanics. And on a personal note, I think the new VS Laser Rifle is freakin' amazing.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter