Lost Planet 2: It's getting hot in here Lost Plaent 2: I spelled planet wrong
lost planet 2: Changed Forever...
Lost Planet 2: SUMMER BREAK! Lost Planet 2: I need a cool drink, oops wrong game
Lost Planet 2: A Decade Passed Lost Planet 2: Finding Eden Lost Planet 2: Vanishing Ice Lost Planet 2: Unleashed Vitality Lost Planet 2: Rise of the Vital Suit Lost Planet 2: Neo Venus Destruction
Lost Planet 2: Time to work on my tan Lost Planet 2: An excuse to stop playing Monster Hunter Lost Planet 2: Extremer Condition Lost Planet 2: A world in peril
Lost Planet 2: How long does it take for a planet to warm up anyway Lost Planet 2: So cool we decided to heat things up Lost Planet 2: Giant robots and big guns what else do you need?
Lost Planet 2: If you think them bringing the fight to you was bad, wait till you bring the fight to them™
Lost Planet 2: If you thought you were safer inside, you thought wrong™ *insert image of fighting inside Akrid*
Lost Planet 2: Catching your death from the cold is the last thing you're going to worry about™
"It's funny... Developers get bashed if they don't innovate. And they get bashed from other people when they try to. So at the end of the day a path must be picked." - Sven
Lost Planet 2: Don't look behind you unless you're packing the heat! Lost Planet 2: Burner-ade! Goes down smooth! Lost Planet 2: Nuff said! Lost Planet 2: Get them before they get you!
Lost Planet 2: Where watching "Starship Troopers" is essential to survival.
Lost Planet 2: New environment, old foes Lost Planet 2: Another planet, another epic adventure Lost Planet 2: Now with Epic 4 player co-op boss fights!