Lost Planet 2: time to finish the first one
Lost Planet 2: Fight In The Belly Of The Beast Lost Planet 2: Things Are Just Heating Up Lost Planet 2: Om Nom Nom Nom Will Find You
Lost Planet 2: Still haven't found it
Lost Planet 2: The Time Has Come
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
Lost Planet 2: Hostile Territory
Lost Planet 2: Battle For Supremacy
Lost Planet 2: Colonization Wars
Lost Planet 2 - The Fight For Territory Is Now A Fight To Survive
Not so serious:
Lost Planet 2: Bigger, Better, And More Bad Akrids With Big Ass
Lost Planet 2: "Extreme Conditions" Is An Understatement
Lost Planet 2 - You'll Think Twice Before Trying To Colonize Unknown Planets
Lost Planet 2 - Remember The Huge Terrible Akrids You Killed The First Time.... Those Were The Little Ones
Lost Planet 2 - Maybe Terraforming The Planet Wasn't Such A Good Idea...
Lost Planet 2: Because on wasn't satisfying enough Lost Planet 2:AArrrgh, a pirate adventure
Lost Planet 2: Global Warming at its finest Lost Planet 2: "Hey! Who put their jungle in my frozen wasteland?!"
#1 - Lost Planet 2: Tropical Meltdown #2 - Lost Planet 2: The New Age #3 - Lost Planet 2: Age Reborn
Lost Planet 2: made specifically for tag line contest so two lucky capcom-unity members can win a salamander plushie Lost Planet 2: not 3 Lost Planet 2: where's all the ice? Lost Planet 2: Jungle Madness Lost Planet 2: now we're just pirates
Lost Planet 2: We Came, We Saw, They Conquered.