- Lost Planet 2: White outside, Green inside (referring to the ice and the jungle under it... LOL) - Lost Planet 2: New Jungle Fever Fight!
Lost Planet 2: How did we lose another one?
1. Lost Planet 2: "New Climate, New Fight"
2. Lost Planet 2: "Less Snow, Bigger Akrids"
3. Lost Planet 2: "Fairly Mild Condition"
1. Lost Planet 2: Al Gore Chronicles 2. Lost Planet 2: Rebirth of Titanic 3 Lost Planet 2: I <3 Siberian Salt Mining 4 Lost Planet 2: Attack of the ANBAG 5 Lost Planet 2: Termal Recall That's about it for now... mind is starting to get side tracked.
Lost Planet 2: The big baddies just got bigger.
Lost Planet 2: The Recolonization
Lost Planet 2: Better hope Peta doesn't protest the fight against Akrid.
Keep on rollin'
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- Lost Planet 2: Where's Wayne? - Lost Planet 2: A free rider in an Akrid's Stomach! - Lost Planet 2: Yes, this is a sequel!!! - Lost Planet 2: Monster hunting on an unknown planet
Lost Planet 2: Foliage Physics
Here are my two. Lost Planet 2: ... ...we're gonna need more salt. ...bigger guns, even bigger amphibians. (next one is cheese factor) ...The Akrin are hungry and snow pirate is on the menu.