Started: Jun 4, 2008
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Lost Planet

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2007 - 3:13PM #691
Posts: 4,873
'07 has been the year of my most anticipated games ever. Lost Planet being number one. Then Fable 2, and of course the game everyone who owns a 360 will probably get... Halo 3.

Lost Planet will be my number one game for a while though. so far it has been the most appealing shooter to me. especially online. Fable will rock, Halo has a great story line, but neither live up to the fun i have had online with Lost Planet. i will play Lost Planet til LP 2 comes out! huzzah! haha
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
13 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2007 - 3:55PM #692
Dave Spx
Posts: 23
nubb do you have lp ocd or jus video game ocd:D
13 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2007 - 4:00PM #693
Posts: 4,873
i do not obessive compulsive disorder!....

(inside nubb's brain)
lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet lost planet
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
13 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2007 - 4:09PM #694
Dave Spx
Posts: 23
nah no ocd that i see
13 years ago  ::  Mar 12, 2007 - 12:59PM #695
Posts: 4,873
the site is running very slow today... i wonder whats up?:confused:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
13 years ago  ::  Mar 12, 2007 - 3:33PM #696
Posts: 2,360

The Nubbin wrote:

the site is running very slow today... i wonder whats up?:confused:

I've been busy lately. Doing job training programs and trying to obtain a job so I can have an income and a steady flow of games. :D

I agree about an earlier post you posted. This year is gonna be packed with amazing games. Fable 2, Halo 2, Mass Effect (lol) and more. I just wish Itagaki-san would freak'n get off the DOA and DOAX and make a sequel to one of the best action/adventure games in the world: Ninja Gaiden. When I get my first pay check, I'm gonna go out and get Ninja Gaiden Black since it's b/c. I had the original and sold it for some reason. That was a challenging game. It had a lame story for the most part, but the action rivaled that of Devil May Cry. Running on walls, decapitating enemies with a quick strike, throwing incedinary shuriukens, wielding bad-*** weaponry that included a katana, nunchuku (with blades), sledge hammer, a katana that splits in two, a great oar, and other crazy ****. The combat moves Ryu could do were nothing short of amazing. The bosses were hella tough. Even the first boss wouldn't let you just smack him around. This game was made for the hardcore. Ninja Gaiden Black took it a step further with higher difficulty, more weapons (power staff of ownage) 50+ challenge levels, harder enemies, harder bosses, and just...****!

lol. Sorry about that. Ninja Gaiden is such a crazy game. There'd be no way it could have a multiplayer, but it was one of the craziest single player games ever. It proved you don't need to have guns named Ebony and Ivory to have a bad *** game. :cool:

Note: No way hate'n on DMC. Great series.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 10:44AM #697
Posts: 4,873
You guys hear about the Capcom Gamers Day coming up April 12th? i wonder what to expect...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 11:31AM #698
Posts: 996
had not heard about that yet. Did you hear that euphoric and lost merged clans in GRAW2. i really like playing with those guys. lat night we tried to get an achievement that takes 60 miutes but it didn't work but we had a great time and we blew up like 5670 terrorists
13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 11:33AM #699
Posts: 52
Agreed with the posts above, lost planet has been the most fun I have ever had on xbox live. halo2 was great but LP just takes it to the next level. one game that not many people are talking about that I am looking forward to is Frontlines Fuel of War. Could be great or it could be a mess, only time will tell. I was looking forward to GRAW 2 until I bought it and beat it in like 4 hours. What a rip. They put all there effort into online but it still didnt come close to Lost Planet in terms of fun. I got rid of Graw 2 the next day.
13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 11:56AM #700
Posts: 4,873

chaser74 wrote:

Did you hear that euphoric and lost merged clans in GRAW2.

yea proto told me. i've been saying we should do that on lost planet for awhile now. i hope it'll happen.

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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