yeah i know. The Snow Nubbin (lol) usually hosts some matches on thursday night after 11 central. i got a promotion at work today so i might not be on the forums much but i will still be gaming wheni can well congrats! and you better be online, or i'll have twitch start up Viva Piñata on your xbox while your gone... :D muwahaha!
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
well congrats! and you better be online, or i'll have twitch start up Viva Piñata on your xbox while your gone... :D muwahaha! ha ha it is already on there thanks to my daughter
so where you been J? i havent played with you online since the demo I've been busy with work and getting ready for a son (due may), so I haven't been able to stay up late and play. When i get the chance, I usually can't find you guys.
Things are settling down a bit more so hopefully I can meet up with you guys more. It definately fun and challenging playing with you guys :)
yeah i know. The Snow Nubbin (lol) usually hosts some matches on thursday night after 11 central. What!?! No i do not! i dont host matches online!
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I've been busy with work and getting ready for a son (due may), so I haven't been able to stay up late and play. When i get the chance, I usually can't find you guys.
Things are settling down a bit more so hopefully I can meet up with you guys more. It definately fun and challenging playing with you guys :) cool, well like chaser said, i host late nights around 11 usually
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Seriously?/:confused: no im just messing haha :D look for my invite to play thursday evening
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Aint that the truth. Though I was playing a post match with some real babies. We were at the Crimson River and there were 2 posts around the middle of the low lying region. So I grabbed a tank and started running people over that came near the post and chased some on the bridge and took them out there as well. I smoked this level 90 guy numerous times. After the match he claimed I was breaking the rules by using a VS on the bridge and that I was never ever allowed into a room he hosts. He exclaimed that I should keep the BS to Eliminination. I told him it was strategy of keeping away their advances from the low lying posts. He screamed "there was no posts" and I started feeling really sorry for the guy. I really did not want to debate him as he sounded upset and perhaps a bit teary. For reference his gamer tag is "Distrustful", I think he's from the Headsmashers. If you play with him, or his friend HB Major V, be prepared for some unbalanced individuals that take this a little too seriously AHAHAHAH! "there was no posts"...LOL! In a Post Grab no less. WTF?! That's awesome and hilarious. I just laugh at the people who get upset because people are using what is given to them in the game for strategic purposes. I wonder if he cries when he gets hit with the Plasma Sword on Halo 2? **** man, I wish I was there.
But there was a kid who started a match on Pirate Fortress and it was Elimination with Rocket Launchers. It was funny because it was just me, him, and some guy named BATMAN something. I was kick'n both their asses and the kid was like "you're probably using auto-aim, aren't you?!" and I was like "no, I've had it off since I started the game up day 1". He just said "yeah, you're using auto-aim".
Why don't these kids stay on Halo 2, huh? I mean, I like the free kills that some of them give me but some of them...it seems like these kids smack talk or whine no matter what's going on. There are some older guys who smack talk, but at least it's funny and I can usually tell whether they are male or female. lol!
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4