yea there are 2 people who keep bugging me about joining. i dont want to say anything bad about them cuz i have no room to talk about my terrible skill level, but its kinda annoying after awhile. they just want in the clan to say "im in a clan!" they dont care about getting to know the clans member first or anything. :(
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
yea there are 2 people who keep bugging me about joining. i dont want to say anything bad about them cuz i have no room to talk about my terrible skill level, but its kinda annoying after awhile. they just want in the clan to say "im in a clan!" they dont care about getting to know the clans member first or anything. :( I know what ur saying.. if it were up to me, there would be a couple others I would nominate to join L.O.S.T first... people who have been playing with us since the demo.
Id rather have people we know, who we have fun playing with... and ACTUALLY play WITH us, and not just have the clan name in thier sig. :rolleyes:
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
so im hoping this thursday we can fill the room for the practices i host. i doubt it, but im trying. i sent out messages a few mins ago to remind everybody of it...
im really trying my best to achieve a higher level of skill than where im at now. i have so much fun with this game! but now im starting to realize that my old tatics just dont cut it any more. so hopefully thursday we can fill up the room and i can learn from all you elite and skillful players some new tatics. but i was thinking instead of just team or post grab thursday, we could throw in a few elimination games as well to change things up. anyways hopefully at least 15 of you guys and gals can make it :)
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
we have not made elite yet but me and Oth1n and Battle are working on it...lol you should get R6V cause we need more people to ahve the LST infront of their tags. do you think we should branch out to other games as well? oh and you are alot beter than i am as you still own me everytime i play.
we have not made elite yet but me and Oth1n and Battle are working on it...lol you should get R6V cause we need more people to ahve the LST infront of their tags. do you think we should branch out to other games as well? oh and you are alot beter than i am as you still own me everytime i play. thats only cuz im looking for you haha jk jk!
there is someone i do that to tho... seven1three. he always comes in first place! but i have killed him alot in the past few days, and he only has 3 kills on me through all the games we played(yes i am keeping track). but thats only cuz i would specifically look for him; that way i find him before he finds me. and if he's not dead yet, and im about ready to die, i throw a grendade at my feet and self detonate taking him with me. cheap tatic, i know, but its pretty effective :D
and i dont think i will get r6v anytime soon cuz it doesnt really interest me... and i decided to spend my extra money yesterday on a gift for my girl instead :) but who knows, i might find it cheap at gamestop and snag it.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
yeah i know we are looking for a cheap one for my son but i cannot find it anywhere....i will be on LP tongiht about 11 or so
yeah i know we are looking for a cheap one for my son but i cannot find it anywhere....i will be on LP tongiht about 11 or so yea me too. i dunno how late i'll stay on, but i will be on. im trying to play at least once a day. i think im addicted to lost planet :p
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i didnt know you had another account in the community Brian! only 8 posts... haha wow last active in september! dang. must've been before Brian Dunn revealed his true identity as a Capcom king. unless of course thats not Brian...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
you must be bored at work today.. i know that i am
Yeah, that was me. Very early, right when the LP forums went up. And before I became Mr. LP.