you're just jealous of my body. :p Pffft !!.. no way
Chicks Love my body.
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
thanks now i am gonna have nightmares......
last night i was playing with proto, and crazy stuff happened. It was elimination on dilap, and proto kills the guy in the faze, when all the sudden the dead faze rises with a new player piloting, and only one leg. we tried the whole match to take it down, but nothing worked. it just ran around with one leg. we would destroy it but it would just appear right back where it died like nothing happened, except only with one leg. it later lost the cover over the cock pit so you could see the driver. it even sounded different, like it wasnt playing all the sounds when it was being piloted. proto tried to drive it, but couldnt even move it, like it was frozen... it was crazy. you guys seen this yet? :confused:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
have not seen this yet. i will be on LP maybe tomorrow. me oth1n and Battle are currently working on R6V trying to get some levels
have not seen this yet. i will be on LP maybe tomorrow. me oth1n and Battle are currently working on R6V trying to get some levels cool. lost planet is still my obsession, so i dont see myself changing games anytime soon :rolleyes:
since you guys have been playing that recently, i've been playing with the euphoric guys alot. actually, everytime i get on i've played games with them. especially irie, and proto. but i think i've played with just about all of em just thru the weekend. and i played with zmilla and battle too a few times. they are freakin good. i feel like im getting a little better, but sometimes compared to Z, battle, and the euphoric guys i feel like i know nothing about how to play haha! :rolleyes:
i have so much fun playing with those guys. and after seeing zmilla and battle really in action it made me glad we have them in our clan.
but i noticed you guys won some clan matches and are in 3rd! thats awesome! im hoping all the playing with more experienced players is helping my skill, and maybe i'll be in some more clan matches and be of use :D since every clan match i've played in, we've lost...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i think i will try to get some later stuff. i konw most of the teams don't play late but i will see if we canget something going late friday
i think i will try to get some later stuff. i konw most of the teams don't play late but i will see if we canget something going late friday that'd be sweet! :D
you know, with all the clan talk going on around the forums, i've been wondering when capcom will reveal their clan system...?:confused:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Pffft !!.. no way
Chicks Love my body.
 bow chicka bow wow...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
there is also the yourney at gamebattles but i am not sure if we can enter. they don't give a time just that they have to be done by 11:59 EST which kinda sucks as most of our clan is not on till late. if we can get like 8 people that can and will do it then we might enter. i know that i am in just got to get more people
Nub youre too modest. youre good!.. esp with that **** rocket launcher. :mad:
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur