Guess Sony better get on that manufactering of quad layer blu ray discs companies like TDK and Hitachi were displaying at CES... 100GB capacity.
Dayum. That'd be crazy.
And I thought that King of Fighters game looked sick. lol I was watching the first minute and was like "this doesn't look all that great" but then the art got really good and I was like :eek: . What system is it for? And I actually used some of the SNK fighters in Capcom VS SNK 2.
I don't know. The usual people on this thread either don't have the PS3 version yet or haven't played the game enough yet to do it.
But I did read that in the PC version I think you had to get 2 target markers in the single player to unlock MegaMan. I would assume the same applies to the PS3 version.
I hope the game runs at 1080p when its released on consoles..........oooooh its gon beeee sooooo Purdy.
Wasn't expecting this. Loved Dreammatch and Evolution on the Dreamcast and haven't played the rest since the series went 3D. Actually preferred Dreammatch over 3rd Strike for a little while :p Glad to see 2D hasn't been forgotten. Maybe we'll see a Last Blade update? *crosses fingers and toes*
Wasn't expecting this. Loved Dreammatch and Evolution on the Dreamcast and haven't played the rest since the series went 3D. Actually preferred Dreammatch over 3rd Strike for a little while :p Glad to see 2D hasn't been forgotten. Maybe we'll see a Last Blade update? *crosses fingers and toes*
Oooh Last Blade ! that was dope.. Wong Fei Hung knock off FTW... I would also love to see Samurai Showdown get a similar update.. I always loved those games.. 2nd to SFII.
You just have to play 100 online matches and they give you mega man. He's cool, but his bright blue outfit can been seen from across the maps.
You get Frank West in his underwear at level 90.
If you beat the game in single player you also get another alien looking dude named Joe. Then if get every single Target Mark you get the girl, Luka. Her jumping dance celebration is classic! I know all the girls players wish they had her on the 360.