Whats up fellow LP players.. I would like to Introduce you to our TEAM.
We are all veteran players who first met and started playing with the Dilapidation bonus Demo recieved when pre-ordering LP.
Initially we were 2 seperate clans when the full version of LP was released. Clans L.O.S.T, and Euphoric. Both have since withered away for thier respective reasons.. ANBU is made up of the remaining players of each clan.
We are a Multi-game and Multiplatform Clan who will be branching out.
As for LOST PLANET, We play both Team Elimination and POST Grab, If youre intrested in a match (either ranked or unranked) please feel free to MSG myself or one of our Generals, or you can issue a challenge to us on
www.gamebattles.com, or soon on
www.r3match.com exclusively (listed as ANBU). If you issue a challenge on a Fri, Sat Late night (11pm est or later prefered), we would be more inclined and available to accept. Sunday is also a possibility.
[FONT="Impact"]Current Members[/FONT] (XBOX Live Gamertags)FAABRiKATR ANBU
Chaser74 ANBU - Co leader
Oth1n ANBU - Co leader
Snow Infernus (SNOW ANBU)
ProtoRequiem (Requiem ANBU) - Captain
Lucent85 -
GunWing -
Windsands -
TH3RD3Y3 ANBU - Captain
Slip Razor ANBU
Miss A Decay
[FONT="Impact"]History Channel Free Lesson[/FONT]ANBU - Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (暗殺戦術特殊部隊). ( Translated into English, it roughly means "Special Assassination and Tactics Squad".
An acronym like S.W.A.T. or S.H.I.E.L.D., where the two kanji used to abbreviate the group's full name constitute an actual word.
暗部 (AN BU) - (n) dark side, or Dark Space (or translated as Black Ops )
A team of shinobi specifically trained to use teamwork and special weaponry to enter an encampment or fortress, and take out a specific officer or other personanel, during times of war. They worked particularly under Oda Nobunaga. (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oda_Nobunaga )
Historical documentation of such a group, or even of the three major clans in general, is limited before the Tokugowa-era (where the Iga clan was actually employed by the shogun at all times). A popular name for this group was Anbu, as they represented the espionage and assasination tactics of that particular sort of warfare.
Contact Info[/FONT]
Our website (created and maintained by Oth1n ANBU) -
www.vintagegamers.usGamebattles.com Clan page -
http://lostplanet.xbox360.gamebattles.com/stats/763Sonicarmy.com Clan page -
http://sonicarmy.com/atoms/sa_ladder/te … eam_id=137[FONT="Impact"]Contact for matches[/FONT]MSN messenger:
keep_it_trill@hotmail.com or
Chaser74@gmail.comAIM : BATTLE GARAGE or LOSTChaser74
You can find further information about US on our webpage, including currently played games, and recruitment info.Thanks all and see you on the battlefield.