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Sticky: Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition Fact Sheet
12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 10:46AM #81
Posts: 6

ShadowKoneko wrote:

There is absalutely no reason for game data to not be able to be reused, ESPECIALLY the multiplayer Ranks.

And theres absalutely no way I will EVER buy a 360, and if I got one for free, I would never pay for live. And theres many others on this forum who agree, and even a good bit who SOLD Their 360 as soon as LP was available for PS3.

I wish they would keep the PC completely out of it and leave XBOX owners alone.  Having other platforms will only increase the LAG and the punks who cheat (lag switches) will increase because as the above nob has proved most PC users want it all for free...
Get a job and stop b!tch!n.

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 11:07AM #82
Posts: 6

Black Jack wrote:

It's not my problem if other people don't have any friends to play with. 

A lot of my friends took Extreme conditions back when they realised that ranked matches forced you to play against your friends, so if Colonies is the same they're not going to get it... Yeah you loaners may get owned by us but LP in a team game.

Player matches are pointless because you get nothing for it.

Colonies + No party system = will not buy.

"will not buy" - Good luck with that... I doubt you will hurt or influence future development (they will rake it in even if the game sucks due to name brand selling - i.e. HALO 3).  Just take a look at how many more ranked matches there are then player matches... Bottom line be good on your own and team up in player match.  Who really gives a chit about your rank? its your skill that counts not your ability to stack a team.

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 1:30PM #83
Posts: 995

roofsniper wrote:

alright thanks. add me if you can. my psn is roofsniper :D . i still haven't gotten lost planet yet on ps3 tho. im hoping to get it as soon as i can tho.

i was kinda wondering where you were :rolleyes: ... buy it today! :p

thanks for your time, Dc. =)
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 3:58PM #84
Black Jack
Posts: 278

Pouboy wrote:

"will not buy" - Good luck with that... I doubt you will hurt or influence future development (they will rake it in even if the game sucks due to name brand selling - i.e. HALO 3).  Just take a look at how many more ranked matches there are then player matches... Bottom line be good on your own and team up in player match.  Who really gives a chit about your rank? its your skill that counts not your ability to stack a team.

Shut up you fool, i simply stated the reason i and some of the people on my friends list will not buy the game. You're talking as if it's a new game, which it isn't, but it is built upon a very good existing one and i have always said that i want a clan system in the next LP. I wouldn't begrudge you playing against other random people but i would like to be able to play against other groups of friends who are interested in a more tactical and competitive game. Playing in ranked is important in LP because you can only unlock things in ranked matches.

I'm also hoping that xbox and pc users aren't forced to play with each other.

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 4:07PM #85
Posts: 256

Black Jack wrote:

Shut up you fool, i simply stated the reason i and some of the people on my friends list will not buy the game. You're talking as if it's a new game, which it isn't, but it is built upon a very good existing one and i have always said that i want a clan system in the next LP. I wouldn't begrudge you playing against other random people but i would like to be able to play against other groups of friends who are interested in a more tactical and competitive game. Playing in ranked is important in LP because you can only unlock things in ranked matches.

I'm also hoping that xbox and pc users aren't forced to play with each other.

Clans =

Obviously Capcom realizes a party system would be STUPID and UNFAIR, so they didn't include it.

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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 4:45PM #86
Posts: 1,577

Pouboy wrote:

I wish they would keep the PC completely out of it and leave XBOX owners alone.  Having other platforms will only increase the LAG and the punks who cheat (lag switches) will increase because as the above nob has proved most PC users want it all for free...
Get a job and stop b!tch!n.

both xbox and pc players can use lag switches. and i think its pointless to have to pay for a live account that i only use for one game when i get no features or anything out of having live. all other pc games have free online except for a few like WoW where it makes sense that you have to pay for a subscription.

AMD Phenom II 940                               PSN=roofsniper
Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler
Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi                 
4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500                     
PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W           
NZXT Alpha with open window
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 4:47PM #87
Posts: 256
Anyone have an estimate of how many players play online PC and 360?
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 25, 2008 - 4:54PM #88
Posts: 1,577

lbron07 wrote:

Anyone have an estimate of how many players play online PC and 360?

you really can't fine that out unless you are capcom. because there are so many games going on at a time and pc games start so fast that you can't tell. my guess is that currently there is more players on pc than the 360 and plaeyrs have never been a problem for me on pc.

AMD Phenom II 940                               PSN=roofsniper
Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler
Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi                 
4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500                     
PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W           
NZXT Alpha with open window
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 26, 2008 - 11:37AM #89
Rob Payne
Posts: 5
is the health system the same as the old version ? or can you recharge this time?
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12 years ago  ::  Mar 26, 2008 - 4:49PM #90
Posts: 1,577

Rob Payne wrote:

is the health system the same as the old version ? or can you recharge this time?

online you mean? yes its going to be the same, the games mechanics haven't changed its just mostly new content. besides if you could heal from the energy online it would take forever to kill people.

AMD Phenom II 940                               PSN=roofsniper
Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler
Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi                 
4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500                     
PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W           
NZXT Alpha with open window
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