The question I was stuck on was "which weapon is underpowered?"
I picked the shotgun, but even still I don't really think it's underpowered so much as it is affected by lag. I do remember it seemed that it worked better and from longer distance on the demo. When I first played the multiplayer demo I was at a friends and was a total noob but was doing great with the shotgun. My fried turned and said yeah the shotgun is no joke in this game, and I said finally no more of that halo weak shotgun crap in a game. Now in the real game it seems a little weaker.
I forgot what I put in the weak weapon question of the survey, that's a hard one, maybe the plasma grenade, it works fine on people but no so much on mechs, everything else kills well
btw moksha, I'll have to get into one of your rooms, I've been wanting too lately but my buddy get's dropped out of rooms unless there's 5 or less people and by the time i catch your rooms I'm only sticking around to play with him ( i really need to go over to his place and fix his connection issues)
I also put "Energy Gun" for most overpowered weapon. Geez - its a gun where you can run away from an opponent, barely aim, and still score a kill! C'mon...
I am like the others with some of the maps.. I really dislike Lost Technology just for the simple fact of Bull**** when it comes to warping into the green room while everyone from the 0opposing teams just sitting there waiting. :mad:
Other than that.. the host sets rules for those to follow and never works out that way... We should, as the host, be able enable or disable the VS and gun batteries...
Weapon upgrades would be kewl too.
too bad there isn't a survey for the pc version :( ... or did i just not find it yet?:confused:
Well I should have listened to my better judgment and not bought a mid level rated game for top rated prices. This game requires a lot for little pay off of game play it seems. Have a nice day maybe I can find a used game dealer to give me something for it.:mad: :mad: :mad:
Well I should have listened to my better judgment and not bought a mid level rated game for top rated prices. This game requires a lot for little pay off of game play it seems. Have a nice day maybe I can find a used game dealer to give me something for it.:mad: :mad: :mad: Get a 360. Seriously, if you can afford a PC that can play this game, you can buy one. :rolleyes:
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
the survey really was bland considering all of the issues I've discussed with the groups of people I play with. I mean really, which weapon is overpowered? I'm more concerned that 360 owners got shafted with the character skins. or what about the mech users spawn raping? shouldn't a more prudent question have been would stationary weapons at the spawn locations solve some of the gameplay issues. or what about level 99 players coming into matches with a level 1 character so they don't fall on the leader boards... large or small maps? of course we want larger maps, but not in Lost planet 2 we want them now! would you like to be able to play as a female charecter or Wayne? DUHHHH, of course. Please tell me this isn't just input for the sequel, I might not buy it if that is the point of the survey.
I think it's an abandonware...
It's a shame there isn't an admin online when it's a patch day.
This game is perfect only not every one knows it. but more and more friends of mine like and play it. ps it was mean from you guys to let us chose between things that are all perfect and well balanced!!
this game should be on the top of every ones game list