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Switch to Forum Live View Lost Planet Developer Survey!
13 years ago  ::  Mar 28, 2007 - 12:43PM #1
Posts: 1,658
Capcom wants to know what you think about Lost Planet so far.  This survey isn't just some marketing tool—it was requested directly by the developers themselves, and they will be the ones to read it and react to the results.  Make your voice heard today!
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 28, 2007 - 2:19PM #2
Posts: 335
i did it, and i wished there was a option for the underpowered/overpowered to select "all are fine" because i really dont see any problems with the weapons
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 28, 2007 - 3:40PM #3
Posts: 920

ZmillA wrote:

i did it, and i wished there was a option for the underpowered/overpowered to select "all are fine" because i really dont see any problems with the weapons

Yea exactly!!, I agree..

makes me wonder if they are going to come out with yet another update..

PSN : Fabrikator

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PSP - MGS Peacewalker
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 28, 2007 - 6:43PM #4
Posts: 22
Question that I was stuck on for some time was the grenades, was so hard to choose!

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 29, 2007 - 9:32AM #5
Posts: 20
As with most things in life, LOST PLANET isn't black and white...  The survey asked us to pick pretty much "yes or no".  I can't stand the EMI laser... Unless there is a VS on my back pounding me into the ground, then I love it.

However, I wasn't given the option to express that, I just had to pick ONE.  I think there are more than one over-powered weapons, but you hardly ever see me in a VS...  Those that are VS-prone may not see any problems, which I understand.

:confused: Question why were a majority of the "wish list" items & ideas that people have taken the time to express in these forums not addressed?  I was hoping to see:  "On a scale of 0-10, would you like it if you could: x, y, z"  Where X,Y,Z were pulled from the "wish list" and from CAPCOM's thoughts for the future...

I would also rather RANK the gernades, weapons, maps, etc...

Big maps vs. small maps?  Depends on my mood and whom I'm playing with.  One group of friends:  Radar, they don't like to go far for posts:mad: .  Another group:  Canyon, they hate it when posts change over at the drop of a hat.  I like both, but I do have a 1st, 2nd...

Give us some credit.  If we are sharp enough to navigate the forums, we can answer complex survey questions and provide the developers with better resolution to their problem set.

THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO MAKE A SURVEY AT ALL.  I must say CAPCOM's efforts to keep us happy have been great.

Next survey:  SCALE, SCALE, and...SCALE.  You can then see what falls way off the chart and address it.;)

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 29, 2007 - 10:08AM #6
Posts: 4,873

fabrikator wrote:

makes me wonder if they are going to come out with yet another update..

or perhaps since its going straight to the developers they are getting input for a sequel...! :D here's to hoping

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 29, 2007 - 1:14PM #7
Posts: 1,429

MokshaRaver wrote:

As with most things in life, LOST PLANET isn't black and white...  The survey asked us to pick pretty much "yes or no".  I can't stand the EMI laser... Unless there is a VS on my back pounding me into the ground, then I love it.
Give us some credit.  If we are sharp enough to navigate the forums, we can answer complex survey questions and provide the developers with better resolution to their problem set.

THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO MAKE A SURVEY AT ALL.  I must say CAPCOM's efforts to keep us happy have been great.

Next survey:  SCALE, SCALE, and...SCALE.  You can then see what falls way off the chart and address it.;)


I understand that the survey is a bit one-dimensional at the moment, but please consider the following: 

1) this is something of a "test balloon."  If it goes well and we get some a good response on a few conclusive points, there will be more of this, with more in-depth questions. 

2) this information needs to be translated before it goes to the developers.  Having long passages of text in the answers slows down the feedback process, whereas this kind of list can be understood and evaluated instantly. 

3) Both Sven and I (and others), actively track what's happening here in terms of discussion, good ideas, etc.  We are both active Lost Planet players and fans, and we DO pass along the best of it.  Your postings sound mature enough to understand that just passing along feedback is a long way from getting different features into a final product, but every change begins with getting certain concepts on the radar and into discussion, and this is where that starts. 

One thing that helps us to make a point are numbers.  If you've got friends that also play, please encourage them to answer the survey as well--it can really make a big difference!  At any rate, we do appreciate you taking the time--your more thoughtful responses are also being heard, so keep it up. 


Ask me about my beard.  Or don't.  It's cool either way.
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 29, 2007 - 2:29PM #8
Posts: 20
I lived in Korea for 10+ years and live with three Koreans (wife and sons) now...  UNDERSTAND the language thing.  It is hard enough to get your point made in "simple" English to English.

Tone does not convey well in type for me.  If my post struck any as me being upset, I missed my mark.  I was meant to be :(  not :mad: .  The "Credit" thing sounds harsh now that I re-read it...:eek:   I was pumped when I saw the link, but felt that I had been unable to properly express how I feel within it's bounds.  My thought train didn't make it all the way into type.  It was something like this:  I realize some people don't want to be hassled with complex surveys, but I don't think those people would not even end up seeing it...

While my posting was mostly driven by my feelings, some of it came from the clan chatter during practice as well.  When I read that others had somewhat the same feelings, I QUICKLY posted.

The link to the survey was posted in my clan's forums (Tactical Warfare) SECONDS after I took it.  MOST of the time I tell people to at least look through the CAPCOM forums when I hear them getting upset in the rooms.  I'm amazed at how many players have never heard of them...  Perhaps a once-per load splash screen saying "Visit our website for more info and give us your feedback".  I'm betting if you can drive me nuts with the space ships, you can pull that off  :D

Again, thanks for the reply
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2007 - 2:31PM #9
Posts: 563

GunWing wrote:

Question that I was stuck on for some time was the grenades, was so hard to choose!


I know the choice of grenades is usually dictated by maps / conditions:cool:

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 31, 2007 - 2:35PM #10
Posts: 563

fabrikator wrote:

Yea exactly!!, I agree..

makes me wonder if they are going to come out with yet another update..

I dunno there, I know it's just me but I hate the energy gun, i only can roll thru it like 50% of the time and if someone has it that lags your screwed

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