I was thinking to myself the other day you see alot of pistols in the cutscenes and I think they should either make the next map pack with a pistol or just put it in an update I think it would be a cool addition. What do you guys think?
out of all the things they could add to this game in an update that would be the last possible thing I'd hope for:D but it would be a cool addition for a sequel, as long as we get, a slightly more refined lobby, ability to ping people and limit the connection strentgh required to play, choose what weapons /vs is allowed in game/turn off, make the mini mechs a little more powerful, add more game optuions, add akrid to mp, add smoke grenades to game, and add grenade only matches.
At least those are my wishes:D
The only way i'd like to see pistols is if they were silenced and you could kill in one headshot with them from a close enough range. Other than that they would look awesome but wouldn't really have any functionality beyond the well balanced weapons we already have.
Yeah, a silenced pistol would be a nice bonus feature. Should be effective but hard to use. You know - something for experts and specific situations. Boy, that'd be nice ;)
i think the pistol would be good for us poor bastards on rifle matches and such who run out of nades and bullets.
just wip out a pea shooter with infinate clips, with just enough stopping power to kill someone if you get the jump on them (like 6 shots or something to kill)
edit: also, make it have a slow rate of fire, so people wont ***** it
I think a pistol would be good, but you don't need one. I think it'd be a waste of space in your weapons arsenal...if you could hold two weapons, and then have like a pistol and a little close range knife or something, that'd be awesome.
But if u really think about it a pistol wouldnt make any senses
its the future u have plasma guns and em laser cannons
a pistol would stand out immensly
These idea's are good, I always wanted the one's from the campaign they always use.
give me a silenced pistol and knife and i could beat any level any difficulty