how about a level where you really would need the flashlight? it would be kinda like the tutorial in the single player mode but with the lights turned off ... something like that^^ Lost Coast's day/night system require the use of the flashlight.
You can have an Xbox 360, Controller, TV, and a bag of chips...and whatever else would be on an entertainment desk...
You would be really small and grapple all over the modem, computer, and ****. Awesome idea... I love it...
Or even just a living room... you could grapple on the couch, go under it, hang from a door knob or climb on to the windows seal, ... climb up inside the tv or xbox... etc...
playing the single player again made me realise that a good level would be the one with the bridge that you grapple upto from the destryoed city. i cannot remeber the exact level but it sounds kinda fun
I dig maps like ruins and ice drop, hive complex,forgotten coast.. these maps span such a great distance and have places for close battle as well as places for sniper wars, as well as theres places you simply dont go unless your wanting too get turned out by a vs or sniper. The one thing all these maps share is they have both inside and outside environments and lots of places too escape and run into for cover so everyone gets too not only play the way they want, they can play different ways. I tend too like playing alot of datapost or team elimination. My favorite fighting environments would be snipping on the cliffs of hive complex, or playing a tactical 1v1 game of hide and seek on ice drop with rifle, or transversing the wiending tunnels and open caverns of hive complex, and who doesnt love the day/night cycles and building snipping in forgotten coast. delapidation has the best indoor/outdoor environments of any map so far, it has a great flow, lots of areas everyone fights, lots of areas everyone can hide, and a few nice snipping areas, and is a very useful map for grenade launcher, grenades, rocket launcher, shotgun, and ive seen people just rule this map with a gattling gun or other "heavy weapons". another small map that is slightly less great then delapidation would be pirate fortress, it has the same great flow, even battlefield and lots of places to play your own way, and i have as well seen people just rule this map with heavy weapons which is always a riot. in every map theres a few things that i can say are good about it, but these are the maps that seem too combine the different elements that make up a great maps
a second crimson river would be so awesome!!
What you really need to do is probably bring in is a Southern city near the coast of an ocean kinda map. Where you would have:
Hurricanes pulling in and out, that would flood the town, so water would be everywhere
Harbor with plenty of boats to hide in
Small town buildings where you could hide in
Maybe older, broken cars in the streets like in the campaign
Palm trees and other trees, with the killer coconuts -.-
Or maybe even regular buses, that you could get inside!
This I see, could be a great map if Capcom chooses to read all the ideas we have for new Lost Planet maps. Just imagine this, you're going one on one with someone, and you hear the winds picking up, you see the trees swereve back and forth, and then you see a wave of water come crashing down the streets, toppling cars in your way, and now, your battling under water with maybe the cars floating through the strong current water.
What you really need to do is probably bring in is a Southern city near the coast of an ocean kinda map. Where you would have:
Hurricanes pulling in and out, that would flood the town, so water would be everywhere
Harbor with plenty of boats to hide in
Small town buildings where you could hide in
Maybe older, broken cars in the streets like in the campaign
Palm trees and other trees, with the killer coconuts -.-
Or maybe even regular buses, that you could get inside!
This I see, could be a great map if Capcom chooses to read all the ideas we have for new Lost Planet maps. Just imagine this, you're going one on one with someone, and you hear the winds picking up, you see the trees swereve back and forth, and then you see a wave of water come crashing down the streets, toppling cars in your way, and now, your battling under water with maybe the cars floating through the strong current water. lol do you live in Florida?
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
It would be cool to have those super data post from the ending in a map like a snowy valley, where if you activate a data post the snow melts & new areas & hiding places appear. Depending on the post color, is the color of the flowers EX red team takes a data post & red flowers bloom. Blue team takes a data post & blue flowers bloom.
an even higher dark town ^.^ and buildings you can enter
owe and data posts that cant be sniped!!
A map in the rain. With day and night features. It could vary the rain as well, from light sprinkle as the clouds break and sun peaks through, to dark dense lightning filled down pour thunder storm. Just seeing a Hardballer rumble by you would really set a great mood. Keeping you on your toes since VSs would be hard to hear over thunder and strong wind. I think that could work well on a medium sized map in a tropical setting similar to ruins. Most definately would want this. Night maps, rain maps, and Blizzard maps, Blizzards **** you! This is a snowy game!