they're not out yet but figured we'd set up a room for your thoughts on them anyways, (whiping drool away) looks sweet, can't wait to play em, office feels a little out of place with the them from the footage but it may be a little early to tell for sure, any word on if this office map is the one set in the japanese city mentioned before?
they're not out yet but figured we'd set up a room for your thoughts on them anyways, (whiping drool away) looks sweet, can't wait to play em, office feels a little out of place with the them from the footage but it may be a little early to tell for sure, any word on if this office map is the one set in the japanese city mentioned before? Osaka if I heard right, modeled after the Capcom offices...?(I might be wrong about that). And that is the one I'm most interested in, and no, its not because I'm a stalker and its the closest to a real Capcom office I've ever been...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
im definately setting myself up to be one of the first people to have them :D just like the last set of map pack :D hehe hmmm wonder if itll be the same time as before ... 5am eastern ? now the question is, to stay up ? or to sleep and wake up early ... hmmmmm
now the question is, to stay up ? or to sleep and wake up early ... hmmmmm I stay up to play late, set my alarm, go to bed, wake up when the maps hit the marketplace, download them, sleep while they load, wake to mt. dew and mint oreos, pwnzors on new maps. The end.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I stay up to play late, set my alarm, go to bed, wake up when the maps hit the marketplace, download them, sleep while they load, wake to mt. dew and mint oreos, pwnzors on new maps. The end. haha well then it seems, i look forward to playin against you in the mornin .. tho my first match on each map is always ELIM ... so everyone could talk to eachother and explore the maps !!
you guys suck i have to work till 6:30 the i will be on to get pwned by the both of you:D
hey chaser, just let us know when your on and we'll do a non ranked walkthru on the maps if you wish, maybe discuss strategy with what we've learned, even if your are in a differant clan ;)
haha ah chaser it dont matter! cmon now, you just gotta hope your on my team cause you know how i roll ! :D but for real .... we should all jump on if we can !! and do it up elim, discuss the crazy *** maps and such when they come out!
Well Guys .... MAPS ARE ... WOW ? haha im not sure what to say about em just yet ..... but ill definately write a lil review after i get more experience on these new maps !!