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Lost Planet

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Switch to Forum Live View Lost Planet Mobile?
13 years ago  ::  Feb 09, 2007 - 10:46AM #11
Posts: 8
i dont believe it's out for Aus yet.  It wouldnt play on an iphone either, as it has a different OS :(
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13 years ago  ::  Feb 15, 2007 - 11:59AM #12
Posts: 1
I am a US resident with a Motorola V3 (Cingular) and got the same result as the Aussie. Anyone else having the issue or know how to resolve it?
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 26, 2007 - 11:50AM #13
Posts: 8
i believe if you go to cingular's site you can get it from there :)
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 29, 2007 - 4:34PM #14
Posts: 4,873
I really wish U.S. Cellular had it :(
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 2:58PM #15
Posts: 1,483
I have Lost Planet Trag Zero on my cell phone. I'm up to the second level. I keep dying and running out of energy and getting lost, what is Capcom trying to do make a REAL video game for a cell phone that's just crazy talk lol!

That final boss on the first level was pretty tough but eventually I passed him lol!

The graphics are pretty simple but like me if you're a fan of 2D you'll get a kick out of it, it reminds me of Bionic Commando kind of. Controls are pretty simple, you can even play it with one hand - it's basically point and shoot. The aliens drop yellow orbs that you have to pick up to power your suit otherwise the cold will get to you and you will start loosing energy until you croak.

The game has no sound which is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, the music for Mega Man II and Street Fighter II for the cell phone variants are really cool so something like that would be nice. On the other hand since I play these games on the go when I'm on the train, no sound is welcome since I have to bust out my headphones. So currently I'm not sure if I want games with sound or without, hmm. It doesn't effect gameplay either way I suppose but maybe some cheesey Commando style tracks would of sufficed ha ha!

Thanks Capcom for allowing me to game in the Lost Planet world even though I don't have an Xbox 360. I will get the PC version after I finish the cell phone game and I figure out just how exactly I should go about all that lol! Muchas gracias! :D
Currently Playing: Pac-Museum, Phoenix Wright 5
Soon To Be Playing: Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros.4
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 30, 2007 - 1:55PM #16
Posts: 11
Bah, I'll stick to the PC and Xbox version.
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13 years ago  ::  Sep 11, 2007 - 9:00AM #17
Posts: 22
im in australia and ive got it i had the net on my phone 4 like 3 months and i downloaded it of there i like how u play as gale

i finished it buut the last boos took some time 4 me keept swearing in class when i lost so i kept gettin yelled at
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13 years ago  ::  Sep 13, 2007 - 11:19AM #18
Posts: 1,483
Sanguinius40k - Stick to the 360 and PC version seriously LOL! No one and I mean NO ONE plays a cell phone game or even a handheld game to replace a console or a PC game, it's just something for you to play when your on the go, riding the train, waiting on a long line, waiting for friends to show up and so on. And that's kind of it lol!

Been playing it off and on and I was on level 2. Wow, this is a real game man it freaking rocks! I got lost looking for all of the cards that I need to open doors. You need to kill Akrids to get yellow orbs to fill your energy, and running around looking for enemies is tricky!

Beat the first spider boss in the game man you have to get the gun upgrade, the bullets don't find the opponents as much as the OG gun but it does much more damage. Then after that you have to fight TWO SPIDER BOSSES AT THE SAME TIME OH NOOS!

How I did it was I clung to the left side of the room so only one spider boss fought me. After I killed him I moved to the right to fight the other one, of course using the upgraded gun. You have to move around so they can avoid ramming into you, the easiest way for me was to try to stay either above or below them while I fired, easier to dodge while moving up and down. Hella fun!

I'm on Level 3 now making progress! Those Akrids are going DOOOOOWN ESE! Good times. :D
Currently Playing: Pac-Museum, Phoenix Wright 5
Soon To Be Playing: Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros.4
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13 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2007 - 2:31PM #19
Posts: 1,483
Passed Level 3. Dang, that rifle you get is hella powerful I renamed it the Boom Stick because everything went BOOM! I was taking out the big boss types with just a few shots! Now I'm on Level 4 and I got to control a big mech just like if I was playing Captain Commando or Mega Man X GANGSTA! But man I sure miss the Boom Stick... ah I'll keep my eyes out on an upgrade. Playing here and there and having a Boom Stick type blast. :D
Currently Playing: Pac-Museum, Phoenix Wright 5
Soon To Be Playing: Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros.4
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12 years ago  ::  Jan 15, 2008 - 3:33PM #20
Posts: 1,483
Whoa took me a while to pass level 4 man it was pretty tough!

First I got to the half way point with my regular gun, dang the gray Akrid don't play! You need lots of bullets to kill them, they jump right on you and sometimes when you kill them they wind up in scenery and you can't get to the yellow orbs you need to sustain your life! So I finally got around to finding my old BOOM STICK for the mech, the gray Akrids are still a little tough with the second gun upgrade but it's managable. I was able to get up to the boss, an omega HUGE Spider that spits out tons of gray Akrid(s) at you! Couldn't do much against him so I went looking around the level again. So yeah aaaaall the way to the lower left of the level I found the third gun upgrade, which I'm gonna call the KRAKATHOOM STICK! (I dunno if anyone''s read the World War Hulk comic but they used sound effects like KRAKATHOOM all over the place ROFL! Hey Hulk was in some Capcom games before, I'm on topic I say! ^_^) Man with the KRAKATHOOM STICK you can blow away the gray Akrid with a couple of shots! After aquiring that I was able to beat the boss after a few tries, blowing up the gray Akrid it spat out and taking the yellow orbs to stay alive, HOORAY!

So I'm on level 5 now. Ten years have past yet the main character and his scientist buddy still look the same. Hey man where's Ingrid and that monk Ryu if it's 10 years in the future? Ha ha SFA3 on the PSP Ingrid ending joke lol! Anyway, no mech and I'm on a snowy background just like part 1, just me and my gun but I already found the BOOM STICK ha ha! But wait, now I'm fighting... AGAINST HUMANS! And the same mechs I was piloting in level 4 are ganging up on me too and what the... AKRID TOO!!!! HUMAN / ALIEN team up what the Hell is going on? Ah well, got some heads to crack before I get to level 6. Having lots of fun! :cool:
Currently Playing: Pac-Museum, Phoenix Wright 5
Soon To Be Playing: Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros.4
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