Finished level five just now!
I was stuck for a while because I kept fighting with the twin Spider Akrids, once I got passed them I was trying to find a way into the fort but I wasn't lucky. Just passed them is a third gun upgrade, but grabbing it and going back just didn't leave me with enough energy to survive the rest of the stage.
So I eventually went about it this way. First I walked all the way to the right passed the Mushroom mid boss to get the second gun upgrade. Then I went all the way to left, around the corner of the frozen lake. Going to the right passed the frozen lake under me there's a division beneath you of wooden stumps. If you keep going right you will fight the two spider bosses. I did better turning the corner at the wooden stumps, going all the way to left, than down to the lowest left part of the screen and then all the way to the right. This means you don't fight the spider bosses and skip the third gun upgrade but you overall have more energy and you should have enough ammo to get you through. The final boss / bosses are a heck of a lot of people piloting mechs, gotta be five or more! After taking them out you still can't get into the base, there's a locked door in front of you. The instructions you get are to talk to some girl and if you walk straight down from the door you can see where she is. As soon as you talk to her the stage comes to a close. Hooray! She gives you a mech and you start off the next level with that, yippee!
In other news I did get Lost Planet on the PS3 on the day it came out. Heh, I'm starting to see how everything fits together storyline-wise. I've been seeing all of the Akrid in 2D and really small on my cell phone, it's nice to say what they actually were supposed to look like! So those yellow cylinders that we get in the cell phone game that fill our energy back up are markers in the 3D game that light the way? Cool! Wow, we sure are lucky that the cell game aims on it's own and we don't have to try to hit yellow areas on the beasties, it's hard to do on a cell phone!
I think it would of been nice to have included the Bionic Commando-ish hook in the cell phone game, though I'm not sure how you would impliment it since it's 2D and overhead, perhaps something like the hook Link gets in some of the 2D Nintendo DS Zelda games, used to grab things in the distance or to push you over holes. Might of been cool! Ah, it is a cell phone game so I guess can't have it all! :D
Overall having a good time with the Lost Planet experience. It's a nice 3D successor to Capcom's Commando (Commando, Bionic Commando Captain Commando) type of games, I can see a bit of each in the franchise. Though yeah, Commando and Bionic Commando are making comebacks so it will be a great time to shoot things up!
Now on to level six... :cool:
Currently Playing: Pac-Museum, Phoenix Wright 5
Soon To Be Playing: Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros.4