disc isn't my favorite dummys probualy are just i found lots of uses for discs. and when im trying to hit someone across the map sure if i had a sniper i would but discs work fine if i got em. ill either throw it where they are and shoot it when its close to kill them or throw it where i think they will be and they never see it coming. id say 75% of the time i throw a disc across the map to get someone it kills em :)
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
When you roll, you have two points; The first point you hit in a roll is your advantage, a brief moment of invincibility. The second point you reach is a point of increased damage. For instance, as you stated, the sniper kills in one shot. This happens because more damage is being caused to you in that moment. This is also why things like the Energy Gun can kill you in one hit if you roll at the wrong time. Practice your technique. Unfortunately, the vast majority of skilled snipers know the perfect moment to shoot when you roll. In that case, you're generally screwed. It's best to get cover, start an invulnerable animation(ie, pick-up a weapon), and roll in a random pattern in a point to point zig-zag fashion. I'm sure you know all that, but I'm putting it out there for the benefit of the doubt.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
a great way to out roll a sniper (and with a bit of luck) just do not move in a straight line to where you want to go. for its often your stuvrennes that kills you.
yes i know that, i always serpantine it wen rolling, and im not that bad of a sniper myself, but with lag and all i cant seem to kill people rite after they finish their rolls so yea.. tnx for the info on the increased damage during a roll though
No Problem mate that is what we are here for right ^.^
i decided to test it out, and man does that increased damage last a while!
you know what they say.. practice makes perfect.
cant exactly practice covering up a vulnerability, especially when u cant move, without lag theyll just wait till u slow down in ur roll then shoot u
what is your upload and download speed. (you can test this on http://speedtest.net )
1327 download, 541 or somthin for upload.. and slight lag helps me stay alive