I've mentioned this to a few people so hopefully word does get around. If Capcom would spread the word on social media that'd be great...but you know...it's Capcom. 
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
I would definitely like to play the Lost Planet trilogy again, specially in the absence of Capcom doing anything about it for the anniversary. That being said, I only have the PS3 versions of the game, so I hope we can also organize playing on that platform. On a related note, this made me consider again importing E.X. Troopers, but I wanted to ask how friendly it is for non-japanese speakers, and if there's any downsides, like connection limitations for using a non-japanese PSN account or IP.
I got through the game no problem. Having Google Translator on my phone helped for side objectives in the coop missions. There is a trivia mini game though that has given me trouble. Playing online was no problem.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
glad more people are thinking about playing.. but in hindsight i dont think i should have made this thread so early heh.
Still waiting for adamazing to reply to this thread. whats the hold up! It would also be cool to see snow infernus too and robotboot, and that one weird canadian guy that liked MH. idk
Rather earlier than later. I tend to forget to make threads or responses even for months or years at a time when I don't act on them quickly.
I would definitely like to play the Lost Planet trilogy again, specially in the absence of Capcom doing anything about it for the anniversary.
That being said, I only have the PS3 versions of the game, so I hope we can also organize playing on that platform.
On a related note, this made me consider again importing E.X. Troopers, but I wanted to ask how friendly it is for non-japanese speakers, and if there's any downsides, like connection limitations for using a non-japanese PSN account or IP.
I'm mostly on PS3 myself and wouldn't mind us all playing there if possible, but I wouldn't be surprised if people are sticking to Steam or Xbox 360 since those seem to be the primary platforms that people are going for as far as this series is concerned. On importing E.X. Troopers. It is one of the most region friendly games I've played thanks to clear indications of where to go both in (100% of the time) and outside of missions (97% of the time) using obvious signals which aren't bound by language. You can feel free to ask me for details when it comes to the harder language stuff (bonus mission objectives to get more costumes, music and characters) which is mostly post-game as well, but even an post-game infamous quiz which earns you a character can be done with a bit of time (not that I don't have a guide).
glad more people are thinking about playing.. but in hindsight i dont think i should have made this thread so early heh.
Still waiting for adamazing to reply to this thread. whats the hold up! It would also be cool to see snow infernus too and robotboot, and that one weird canadian guy that liked MH. idk
Snow I doubt will be returning any time soon. He kinda dropped of the face of the earth when he left.
Adam is easier to reach via twitter. Robotboot not heard from him in years. The MH guy was FH (Frustrated Hunter) he left one day and never really came back. As for making it early nah it may help get people in if they have a place to talk and see things ahead of time
Happy to hear that lost planet is still holding up! COME XBOX 360 PLAYERS!!!!!!
I just created a Discord server for the games simply titled Lost Planet. Here's a link: https://discord.gg/3X8fR My username is Vyr'sai if anyone wants an invite after the link expires.
Keep on rollin'
Join Lost Planet 2 Old School Team! We host weekly LPC and LP2 events on PC! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/lp2ost
Join the Lost Planet Discord Fans of each game and platform are welcome to join! https://discord.gg/w2tuAdQ
Video recorded last Saturday : youtu.be/urti_FOFie8 Anybody join us ? Anniversary is getting closer :)
I played lp everyday for over 5 years Its my all time favorite multiplayer game I would love to hop on and play the game i love so much my Xbox gamertag is MRxSCREWDRIVERx message me and I'll add you guys and we'll play looking forward to hearing from you guy's
May have to get my 360 up running for this :)