I sometimes do, but it's usually off and on. However, there seems to be very few people still playing this game :( (My only Lost Planet game) So, if there is anybody out there that still plays, I would be glad to play w/ you. (though I kinda suck from not playing much)
Dead Rising 2: OTR Lost Planet Colonies PC SSF4 AE PC gamertag: supersmash233
Monster Hunter Tri North American Servers Hunter ID: E47VJ9
Hunter Name: Yukari
HR 100+
Here at nisute lost planet is still a mush played game. but that is only when we have the time for it and we dont have to go treu hundrets of games to review >.> Lost Planet Colonies is one of the best shooters out there and its realy balanced. Play it, Love it, Work it!
Yes, there are people now, more that before I think, I play this game for a long time, it is really a very good game ^^
oh cool! So it's still alive I take it :3
Dead Rising 2: OTR Lost Planet Colonies PC SSF4 AE PC gamertag: supersmash233
Monster Hunter Tri North American Servers Hunter ID: E47VJ9
Hunter Name: Yukari
HR 100+
Sorry, but at which hours are ppl online? I dont finda games anymore...
Sorry, but at which hours are ppl online? I dont finda games anymore...
most of the users who play nowadays are ether American or Japanese and they tend to be on late
I do not know why anyone connected to Lost Planet Colonies PC gaming with Windows live game, if it helps me a lot ... gratefulbecause I love the game i am lvl 2 in lost planet :D tengo el juego lost planet y no entiendo el porque no veo partidas online no veo muchas y soy lvl 2 :) me gustaria saber xq no encuentro muchas partidas online ??
I almost wanted to play it .. since I read you can unlock some characters for campaign .. but then I read they removed it in Colonies edition. Now this is retarded ..
i play its amazing game !!! buy and play please people !!! i am NO iM4G1N4Ti ON gamer tag very alive just gotta be patient and keep playing
we should all play sometime. be more fun with people who actually want to play. My gamer tag is redline pro87 on xbox 360 hit me up im not on all the time but it would be fun to play with people who like all the same stuff