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Switch to Forum Live View Why do you like Lost Planet?
10 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2010 - 5:53PM #1
Posts: 13

I'm debating if I should return Lost Planet Colonies..Since the multiplayer is so bugged, and is hard as hell to kill people. Why do you like, it, or should I say, Why Should I keep it?

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10 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2010 - 8:42PM #2
Posts: 501

Awesome game types and weapons and VS's!

Keep on rollin'

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10 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2010 - 11:30PM #3
Posts: 832

Jan 9, 2010 -- 5:53PM, Jesse wrote:

I'm debating if I should return Lost Planet Colonies..Since the multiplayer is so bugged, and is hard as hell to kill people. Why do you like, it, or should I say, Why Should I keep it?'s awesome and one of the only games I only play.

Also if you returned'll be missing out...big time!

Your FACE!...god damnit!
C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.)
3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me.
Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211
What you're doing is 120% criminal.
Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt.
You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
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10 years ago  ::  Jan 10, 2010 - 2:49PM #4
Posts: 757

Reading your post i feel like we`re playing two different games... If you don`t know why you should play it than maybe you shouldn`t...Tongue out. It`s not so hard to kill enemies when you get some skills and learn how tricks are working. Lag sometimes drives people crazy, but it`s part of the game. When you accept it you can used to it and have fun.

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10 years ago  ::  Jan 10, 2010 - 2:57PM #5
Posts: 13

I have not turned it in. I will be playing it.

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10 years ago  ::  Jan 10, 2010 - 3:35PM #6
Posts: 165

is a good shooter, has several scenes and characters, the online mode is well structured, I did not much like LP but after a while I realized that the game has a future and I began to enjoy the game even more now than in LP2 can choose Wesker RE as playable character : D

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10 years ago  ::  Jan 27, 2010 - 10:05AM #7
Posts: 9

LP is THE BEST ONLINE MLTPLYR GAME PERIOD!!! It's gameplay is just fluid. I LOVE how you can see the entire battle field so you know when you are being watched by someone trying to kill you as far away as them planning to snipe you. The radar system is the BEST. The FUN FACTOR is the BEST. The ONLY thing I wished is that you could run, but that has been solved in LP2, so I just can't wait.

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8 years ago  ::  Dec 02, 2011 - 2:28AM #8
Posts: 1,366

Essential things why Lost Planet is better than Gears of war 3, Modern war fair, Lost Planet 2 or any other shooter out there. 

1. It is Ballanced! no matter if you are a lvl 1 player or a lvl 200 player the lvl one has the same weapons and skil set as the lvl 200 has.

2. Clear visuals. No matter how intense some battles can get you easely know where you are and where to go to. Nothing of that brown gray glow or to dark places where you cant see that your actualy walking against a crate...

3. No life regeneration. The life you have and lose is what you get. No sucking your thumb while hiding behind a rock calling for mommy kind of stuf. This makes it for lower lvl players more fun. Sins they realy can kill that high lvl player.. if they work as a team.. This brings me to the next point

4. Its the best TEAM GAMEPLAY game out there!  Work together in this game is a absolute must!  And it makes the game o so mush more fun.

5. Stunning explosions, guns and not to forget the VS's. This all makes it not only more fun to play but also more rewarding!

6. Game modes. Every game mode is loads of fun! From death matsh to egg bandit to the best of them all Akrit Hunter!

7. Akrit Hunter the formulla is as well as unique as loads of fun. 4 player controled boss like enemy's  VS 12 humans that can use anything in their might to stop them. Team work and comunication is essential tough. but its just o so mush fun!

8. Mush of the game is in daylight or good lighting. This makes it in cambination with point 2 a great game to play.

9. Hanging around. I almost forgot and how could i? The grabling hook. And its notb the hook alone but also the maps build around it. The literlatly hundret of places you can climb to with your grabling hook to hide and snipe, or hide and ambush from makes it not only more interesting but also more fun becoase people have to leurn to think out of the box. 

10. Connection type B for BEST. If the host has a realy great conection all players will benifit to sertain hight.   There is almost no lag in the game when hosted by a great host. I have played with people all over the world and they all agree. (also the yello line that shows what the host can handle helps a lot) 

Oke that were 10 reasons but i can even name more why I think Lost Planet Colonies and Extreme Conditions are the best third (and even first persone) shooter games out there. 

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8 years ago  ::  Dec 02, 2011 - 2:31AM #9
Posts: 1,366

PS CAPCOM. Listen to us this time when you creat Lost Planet 3. And do like Nintendo did with Zelda 1 and 2 when they created 3. They listened to the core players of the game and cept what is good about 1 and put it in 3.  


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8 years ago  ::  Dec 02, 2011 - 4:29PM #10
Posts: 757

Dec 2, 2011 -- 2:28AM, maiky-nisute wrote:

Essential things why Lost Planet is better than Gears of war 3, Modern war fair, Lost Planet 2 or any other shooter out there. 

1. It is Ballanced! no matter if you are a lvl 1 player or a lvl 200 player the lvl one has the same weapons and skil set as the lvl 200 has.

2. Clear visuals. No matter how intense some battles can get you easely know where you are and where to go to. Nothing of that brown gray glow or to dark places where you cant see that your actualy walking against a crate...

3. No life regeneration. The life you have and lose is what you get. No sucking your thumb while hiding behind a rock calling for mommy kind of stuf. This makes it for lower lvl players more fun. Sins they realy can kill that high lvl player.. if they work as a team.. This brings me to the next point

4. Its the best TEAM GAMEPLAY game out there!  Work together in this game is a absolute must!  And it makes the game o so mush more fun.

5. Stunning explosions, guns and not to forget the VS's. This all makes it not only more fun to play but also more rewarding!

6. Game modes. Every game mode is loads of fun! From death matsh to egg bandit to the best of them all Akrit Hunter!

7. Akrit Hunter the formulla is as well as unique as loads of fun. 4 player controled boss like enemy's  VS 12 humans that can use anything in their might to stop them. Team work and comunication is essential tough. but its just o so mush fun!

8. Mush of the game is in daylight or good lighting. This makes it in cambination with point 2 a great game to play.

9. Hanging around. I almost forgot and how could i? The grabling hook. And its notb the hook alone but also the maps build around it. The literlatly hundret of places you can climb to with your grabling hook to hide and snipe, or hide and ambush from makes it not only more interesting but also more fun becoase people have to leurn to think out of the box. 

10. Connection type B for BEST. If the host has a realy great conection all players will benifit to sertain hight.   There is almost no lag in the game when hosted by a great host. I have played with people all over the world and they all agree. (also the yello line that shows what the host can handle helps a lot) 

Oke that were 10 reasons but i can even name more why I think Lost Planet Colonies and Extreme Conditions are the best third (and even first persone) shooter games out there. 

I totally agree. Especially with points : 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. But the bigest problem is that there was no sign about LP3 so far. Maiky, do you know something we do not ? 

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