a shout out to capcom..... i still play lp2 but wonder will it ever get updated again? capcom please just say yes or no so we can get on with our lifes.
PSN ID: GUY_9997 LOST PLANET 2 OVERLORD, & ALL LV99s i know everything about lp2. i predict people's moves, and i get em right. no plasma + injection gun 2 s""t please.
Just checked with Capcom, the answer is no.
Did you talk to snow?
Snow? You mean the guy who said there would be updates after the PC version? Well the PC version has passed, and he still hasn't told us!
yeah but you gotta understand, the PC version came out not to long ago, capcom has multiple other games they have to Keep check on, Lost planet should also be on the top of their list, but I have faith in The updates, just wait, and they may come.
yeah but you gotta understand, the PC version came out not to long ago, capcom has multiple other games they have to Keep check on, Lost planet should also be on the top of their list, but I have faith in The updates, just wait, and they may come.
Yeah I know they already have other games but honesty I wouldn't be surpised if they abanonded Lost Planet...
We don't have any plans to update Lost Planet 2 for now. Sorry. 3
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
So that means that the leaderboards and glitches won't ever get fixed.
~ Check my Blog It's Update Time, and It's Good for current updates on my projects. ~ PSN: SUICIDE_GUY (Please tell me if you're from capcom-unity or I won't accept your invite.) ~ Skype: suicideslick / My YouTube Channel / My Twitch Channel~ "Nothing is impossible, it just hasn't been done yet." - Regulas  #000067 and #014339 It's my official way of covering my ass if somehow, someway something else happens that isn't currently planned.
So that means that the leaderboards and glitches won't ever get fixed.
No. I'm sorry. =/
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
So Lost Planet 2 Is through T_T