where do you go to get the down load?
Attention everyone I have two Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Beta codes for ps3. If anyone wants to trade ps3 beta codes for xbox 360 beta codes private message me asapp!!
WHY??? now they are saying all the codes for the 360 version is exhausted
Im really digging this multiplayer, just wish they would have set everyone to start with 2 weapons(ie machine gun and shotgun/ machine gun and magnum). Thanks for another great pre-release demo :-)
i got the code but after i put it in, it said that's already been used. can someone help?
Wow. Just wow. Got the code played for like a few minutes then I disconnect. I try joining another match and it wont connect, or to any other matches at all. I cant freakin play any of your games online capcom. Not this, or TvC. Every game works fine. Just not yours.
Where exactly am I supposed to get a code, here or is it an external link?
cant log in to get code for past days
www.lostplanetcommunity.com/?jump=engage fer all you noobs out there and yes this was the best april fools joke ever as i shoot ppl in the face with battle armor plus the mech shotgun :O
Helpful tip: You can share the game with your friends on PSN. Just sign on to your account with their PS3, go to the PS Store, and click "View Downloads" in the upper right hand corner. This is considering that you already used your code and put it in your list to download.
PSN ID: NorcalNiner408PSN ID (LP2 only/clan tag): POISON-PRODIGY Special thanks to TriCEVEN for the sig.