ok hang on..Im lost here. their not giving out any more codes?
The Twitter quite clearly says "Apologies! We just had a rush of traffic so the codes have been going out like hotcakes. Please come back tomorrow!"
Everyone calm down...
oh well I dont have twitter........and hopefully I wont end up needing a code.
ok hang on..Im lost here. their not giving out any more codes?
The Twitter quite clearly says "Apologies! We just had a rush of traffic so the codes have been going out like hotcakes. Please come back tomorrow!"
Everyone calm down...
oh well I dont have twitter........and hopefully I wont end up needing a code.
Yea, good thing i got mine before all this carnage...hopefully i won't need it either and i can give it to someone else 
ok hang on..Im lost here. their not giving out any more codes? The Twitter quite clearly says "Apologies! We just had a rush of traffic so the codes have been going out like hotcakes. Please come back tomorrow!"
Everyone calm down...
oh well I dont have twitter........and hopefully I wont end up needing a code.
Yea, good thing i got mine before all this carnage...hopefully i won't need it either and i can give it to someone else 
U still got a code? is there a way to get one without having to do the get engaged thing....cause it wont let me do that.
I'm frankly appauled and disgusted that I wasted my time registering over this slow, bulky website for the codes to simply be out with no forewarning that they were.
Just one more useless, desolate, sad place on the internet for me to leave an account at.
Then please....GTFO.
To anyone still needing a code, I would highly suggest signing up for Twitter and following Capcom_Unity. They posted as soon as the codes went up so I was able to nab one pretty quickly.
Waysider. Gunsword. Magnum.
PSN: spazski Currently playing Killzone 2, and loving the hell out of it.
ok hang on..Im lost here. their not giving out any more codes? The Twitter quite clearly says "Apologies! We just had a rush of traffic so the codes have been going out like hotcakes. Please come back tomorrow!"
Everyone calm down...
oh well I dont have twitter........and hopefully I wont end up needing a code.
Yea, good thing i got mine before all this carnage...hopefully i won't need it either and i can give it to someone else
U still got a code? is there a way to get one without having to do the get engaged thing....cause it wont let me do that.
I did the Get Engaged thing this morning, I'm not really sure of any other ways to get one right now. Your best bet is probably to just keep checking or look at the Twitter for updates.
To all the people who did not get the codes...
Should've joined ealier and not have taken advantage of joining the site just to get a code.
Lol bro u r so rite.
Not really, though.
I should go ahead and sign up for the Activision website, Microsoft's website, Lionhead's website, Bungie's website, Valve's, Rockstar Entertainment's, Square-Enix, so on and so on... in fact, WE ALL SHOULD, just in case they decide to hold some manner of invitation via website. Just to be on the safe side.
Sounds to me you're more than a brown-noser than anything else brah.
Says the guy who registered on a site just to get a code for a demo. Maybe your monkeyass should've actually read the thread.
I guess I should say this before I play the demo without guilt...I got an extra code for the PS3...I think you know where this is going.
 Your FACE!...god damnit! C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.) 3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me. Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211 What you're doing is 120% criminal. Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt. You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
I feel the frustration aswell and to top it off I got dudes over on cheap ass gamer saying "oh i got 7 codes". Really you need 7 of em..I mean WtF, if that isn't greed or being selfish then I don't know what is. And you know he's gonna try and use em to trade/sell. Just kinda pisses me off I mean I still got it pre-ordered but it woulda been nice to play the other mp. I think then shoulda just sent 1 code to each email that wanted it no biggie just gotta wait a lil longer now..this game is gonna be awesome.
that is pretty slimey. He's a pathetic life form if he he's out to sell a FREE demo that will be completely public in less than a month.
I guess I should say this before I play the demo without guilt...I got an extra code for the PS3...I think you know where this is going.
...lol I have 4 for the 360...!! 