I too have acquired a code! *Ecstatic fist clench* This early access business gave me the incentive to finally join capcom-unity. Thank you! Your new, potential friend, Dudeman92
Got a code but its useless as i live in the uk, as far as im concerned this site should be called capcom-unity-but only if you live in the u.s.com.
Why wasn't it stated from the beginning?
off topic: i also wanted to bid on the MH Tri weapons but guess what ''only available in the U.S!!!''
For PSN Maybe but the Xbox codes are multi-region but none of the codes are activated until the 31st for the xbox and 1st for PSN if you want a UK PSN Code www.lostplanet2game.com/php/promoCode_uk... follow that link and sign up to Capcom-Europe
and I live in the UK Also so thats not really an excuse is it :P
Ok, so i apologise for my rant.
But i wasn't aware of this site, why wasn't it advertised as much as the other? Ive searched many a time for a european unity site and there isnt one as far as i know. I just feel we should have been made aware of this fact, or are there so little european users here that we don't really count?
MHFU: Agito HR9 PSN: imfreeman
Feel free to add me ad hoc party users :)
I got my code!!!!!!! See you all in the battle field... Xbox live gamertag - MegaErick
Xbox Live Gamertag: MegaErick
It's probably because your e-mail isn't with a known website. I suggest trying google or yahoo.
I have already requested off of work the day that Lost Planet 2 drops. Anyone else going to call-in to work just to get into the action of L. P. 2? Even when I purchase new games, I always have to go back to Lost Planet Colonies for online play. Borderline addiction?... . Thank You, CAPCOM and anyone attached to the making of the Lost Planet series!
Thank you for the Code Snow, :D
Mucho gracias Snow, this has made my week! :D If anyone's looking for more PS3 fellas to play with on the 1st, add me on; C_L_O_U_D_M_A_N
i just signed up and everything, now where do i get go to get my code guys?