It does seem like alot of 99's suck, I'm pretty good though.
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
the main thing i really hope they fix is make the netcode better. It seemed like lag was almost expected in lp1. Very frustraiting when you love a game so much,but can't properly feel like you're getting better because you can't trust your eyes 75 percent of the time.
the main thing i really hope they fix is make the netcode better. It seemed like lag was almost expected in lp1. Very frustraiting when you love a game so much,but can't properly feel like you're getting better because you can't trust your eyes 75 percent of the time.
I second this. The game was so much fun, yet so inconsistent. I mean, I'd shotgun somebody only for them to fall down an entire second later. It didn't help that the community was so diverse, so people were connecting to others thousands of miles away. I really hope the latency is less in LP2.
Snow, in the upcoming demo, will the players have full control of their settings? Ie camera angle, bounding area, etc.
 PSO Kireek
Snow, in the upcoming demo, will the players have full control of their settings? Ie camera angle, bounding area, etc.
In the Demo the options you can change are Control Type, Bounding Area, Aiming Speed, Aiming Sensitivity, Invert Axes, Camera and Map Rotation. You can get set it so it looks exactly like LP1 which is awsome!
Hey Snow, I has a question... My friend says that Lost Planet 2 is going to be released on the 7th in Germany. It even says it on the Capcom-Europe website here. "Darüber hinaus gibt Capcom ein neues Veröffentlichungsdatum bekannt: Lost Planet 2 wird in Deutschland auf Xbox 360 und PlayStation 3 am Freitag, den 7. Mai erscheinen. Eine PC-Fassung ist für Herbst anberaumt". Is this a mistake or is Germany getting it a couple days earlier?
Alright so I don't know if you still look at this thread Snow but I thought of a question I'm pretty sure hasn't been answered yet. Will we be able to shoot someone in a vs if part of their body is exposed?
im hyped about lost planets split screen co op i cant w8 to play with my cousin buuuut i have a doubt about it and its this: can the 2nd player make a character unique for him too? i mean for example im a created one if someone else comes to play local co op will he have to be a preset character? is his chracter ganna be identical to my created one? or can he make a character for himself? cuz i mean the local co op is cool but itll be awesome if were both unique
as far as achievements go, will there be only single player achievements or both single player and multiplayer achievements?
as far as achievements go, will there be only single player achievements or both single player and multiplayer achievements?
Snow won't mention Achievements nor Trophies.
 Your FACE!...god damnit! C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.) 3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me. Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211 What you're doing is 120% criminal. Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt. You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)