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10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 5:52PM #731
Posts: 620

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:37PM, Blastaar wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:27AM, HiPOL wrote:

 Invulnerable animations ruins realism of the game and gamers relations  (people take it as cheat or lag).

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?


No game is real, that doesn't mean that we should be able to fly in mw2, or use an animation that gives us invincibility while using a weapon that has extreme firepower. Or use the same animation to cheat people who've caught you in a grenade blast.

I understand that but do note that unlike super jumping in mw2 or crab walking in gears, invici-rolling in Lost Planet was intentionally put into the game. Just think how hard it is to learn it. The same situation you're complaining about is the same thing that happened with Smash Bros Melee with it's wave dashing. It was sort of a skill thing to do but people that couldn't do it or couldn't beat people who did it complained so it was taken out in Brawl and then guess what happened: people didn't like brawl and turned their nose up to it.

Point is: All good multiplayer games have certain "techniques" you can do that make it unique. In Lost Planet's case it's the constant need to roll (even though LP is already a one of a kind game). Being invincible while rolling and the other techniques in this game takes good timing, practice, patience, and are not things that are learned right away. But once learned, it can change both your strategy and the way you approach enemies dramatically.

PSN: callmeJackz
Steam: callmeJackz
10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 5:53PM #732
Posts: 1,483

 If the animation was truly reliable and worked for all players then it might be okay.  But it was just meant to be a little gimmick.  That little gimmick though became the ground work for people wasting entire teams.

 Seeing a player go 1 on 10 and not get killed ever because they were rolling half the time kind of says that the roll immunity was overdone.

 Having the roll help people move quickly from cover to cover to avoid sniper shots.  Having the roll remove players from energy gun or homing laser tracking, that is useful, and pretty much necessary.  Having the roll make people invulnerable to all damage including the complete destruction of the planet in a solar supernova just seems like it was overdone.

 Granted, I never figured out how to cause the sun to go nova, but all the grenades, vs rocket launchers and everything else certainly qualify when they are supposed to be one hit kills.

10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 5:54PM #733
Posts: 650

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:48PM, Deaco wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:37PM, Blastaar wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:27AM, HiPOL wrote:

 Invulnerable animations ruins realism of the game and gamers relations  (people take it as cheat or lag).

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?


No game is real, that doesn't mean that we should be able to fly in mw2, or use an animation that gives us invincibility while using a weapon that has extreme firepower. Or use the same animation to cheat people who've caught you in a grenade blast.

That move requires more skill in Lost Planet 2, than in the first game. Plus, you can still keep shooting the person while he/she is in the stagger animation. Or you can just keep throwing another grenade, you can't dodge two one after another unless the second is way off target. It's not really cheating off a kill, as thats like saying that  if a guy rolls from a rocket, the guy who is rolling cheated you from your kill because he rolled away.

Nam' Sayin'?

No.  Even with more "skill" being required it will still be perfected by many in a matter of days.  If you have a great cross map rocket or stick you should get the kill, they shouldn't be able to just roll any attack and leave you wondering wtf.  This also leads being mistaken for lag, a glitch, or will just piss people off and turn them away from this game.

10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 6:04PM #734
Posts: 757

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?

Since day one. As realism i understand that you can carry only 2 kinds of weapon, that you don`t have invisibility mode, or high speed mode, or double jump mode, that all weapons are perfectly balanced (firepower and ammo quantity), that you have recoil of gun, that VSs don`t have unknown, unlimited fuel source, that Super VS eats energy 10 times faster than poor EVAX, finally that every usable item in this game has advantages and disadvantages. And in this balanced universe when a rocket or grenade hits you - you should die, or get harm.


10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 6:12PM #735
Posts: 620

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:04PM, HiPOL wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?

Since day one. As realism i understand that you can carry only 2 kinds of weapon, that you don`t have invisibility mode, or high speed mode, or double jump mode, that all weapons are perfectly balanced (firepower and ammo quantity), that you have recoil of gun, that VSs don`t have unknown, unlimited fuel source, that Super VS eats energy 10 times faster than poor EVAX, finally that every usable item in this game has advantages and disadvantages. And in this balanced universe when a rocket or grenade hits you - you should die, or get harm.


Undecided ok it's obvious you were oblivious to the fact I was joking: but I can't talk now. I gotta go refuel my VS that's parked in my driveway because you doesn't have that unlimited fuel source.

PSN: callmeJackz
Steam: callmeJackz
10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 6:39PM #736
The Black Hound
Posts: 248

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:54PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:48PM, Deaco wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:37PM, Blastaar wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:27AM, HiPOL wrote:

 Invulnerable animations ruins realism of the game and gamers relations  (people take it as cheat or lag).

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?


No game is real, that doesn't mean that we should be able to fly in mw2, or use an animation that gives us invincibility while using a weapon that has extreme firepower. Or use the same animation to cheat people who've caught you in a grenade blast.

That move requires more skill in Lost Planet 2, than in the first game. Plus, you can still keep shooting the person while he/she is in the stagger animation. Or you can just keep throwing another grenade, you can't dodge two one after another unless the second is way off target. It's not really cheating off a kill, as thats like saying that  if a guy rolls from a rocket, the guy who is rolling cheated you from your kill because he rolled away.

Nam' Sayin'?

No.  Even with more "skill" being required it will still be perfected by many in a matter of days.  If you have a great cross map rocket or stick you should get the kill, they shouldn't be able to just roll any attack and leave you wondering wtf.  This also leads being mistaken for lag, a glitch, or will just piss people off and turn them away from this game.

I agree that a grenade stick should be a garunteed kill, but rolling out of an explosion is key to Lost Planet's uniqueness. I doubt there is anyone in the that hasn't found rolling out of an explosion extremely useful on multiple occassions.

Lets say you get what you wished for and Capcom takes the invincibility out of the first frames of the roll (which, infact, will be a much smaller window in Lost Planet 2.) Rolling would become a waste of time in many cases. If the invincibility frames where gone, you would become a rolling target that takes extra damage and is incapable of fighting back in the process. How helpful is that to you? You wouldnt notice it now, but you would be racking up a lot more pointless, frustrating deaths if it weren't for that small moment of invulnerability.

Explodorolling is a skill that involve precise timing and tactical movement, and it was intentionally put into the game. If you have problems killing them with explosive ordinances, try shooting them. Firing your weapon is much more consistant and effective, for they can't fight back or change direction while rolling, and they take more damage. Everything has balance. Even rolling has a disadvantage. Use it.

As for the realism.. it is a video game. Its supposed to be realistic to a certain degree. Real war isn't fun for anyone (with the exception of a few.) Imagine if CoDMW2 were realistic. The gameplay would change entirely. You would lose the one life you had with just a few shots, which would cause camping and similar methods of play to increase. Granted it would make players work together, devise and truely use strategies, and play as if they were really in combat, but it would take away from the game itself. If you make the game realistic, it is less of a game and more of a simulator.

PSO Kireek
10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 8:06PM #737
Posts: 2,074

Explodorolling...Me like....

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I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 8:30PM #738
Posts: 2,988

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:39PM, The Black Hound wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:54PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:48PM, Deaco wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:37PM, Blastaar wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:27AM, HiPOL wrote:

 Invulnerable animations ruins realism of the game and gamers relations  (people take it as cheat or lag).

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?


No game is real, that doesn't mean that we should be able to fly in mw2, or use an animation that gives us invincibility while using a weapon that has extreme firepower. Or use the same animation to cheat people who've caught you in a grenade blast.

That move requires more skill in Lost Planet 2, than in the first game. Plus, you can still keep shooting the person while he/she is in the stagger animation. Or you can just keep throwing another grenade, you can't dodge two one after another unless the second is way off target. It's not really cheating off a kill, as thats like saying that  if a guy rolls from a rocket, the guy who is rolling cheated you from your kill because he rolled away.

Nam' Sayin'?

No.  Even with more "skill" being required it will still be perfected by many in a matter of days.  If you have a great cross map rocket or stick you should get the kill, they shouldn't be able to just roll any attack and leave you wondering wtf.  This also leads being mistaken for lag, a glitch, or will just piss people off and turn them away from this game.

I agree that a grenade stick should be a garunteed kill, but rolling out of an explosion is key to Lost Planet's uniqueness. I doubt there is anyone in the that hasn't found rolling out of an explosion extremely useful on multiple occassions.

Lets say you get what you wished for and Capcom takes the invincibility out of the first frames of the roll (which, infact, will be a much smaller window in Lost Planet 2.) Rolling would become a waste of time in many cases. If the invincibility frames where gone, you would become a rolling target that takes extra damage and is incapable of fighting back in the process. How helpful is that to you? You wouldnt notice it now, but you would be racking up a lot more pointless, frustrating deaths if it weren't for that small moment of invulnerability.

Explodorolling is a skill that involve precise timing and tactical movement, and it was intentionally put into the game. If you have problems killing them with explosive ordinances, try shooting them. Firing your weapon is much more consistant and effective, for they can't fight back or change direction while rolling, and they take more damage. Everything has balance. Even rolling has a disadvantage. Use it.

As for the realism.. it is a video game. Its supposed to be realistic to a certain degree. Real war isn't fun for anyone (with the exception of a few.) Imagine if CoDMW2 were realistic. The gameplay would change entirely. You would lose the one life you had with just a few shots, which would cause camping and similar methods of play to increase. Granted it would make players work together, devise and truely use strategies, and play as if they were really in combat, but it would take away from the game itself. If you make the game realistic, it is less of a game and more of a simulator.

I dunno man, I used to roll dodge the homing laser at the last sec. I found out that i could also roll through an energy ball at the last sec. (kind of cheap) The answer to that is instead of the energy ball, spam small shots. All those, i can see being ok, but if you're stuck with a gum grenade, YOU ARE DEAD. I highly doubt capcom intended for this to be in the game. I don't think they saw people getting stuck, then magically rolling and surviving the explosion. If so, whats the point of gum grenades. People can fight while they're rolling, hence my desire for the roll shotty to be gone as well. One of the things that stuck with me from the jump about LP was how awsome the combat looks, but when it's just two guys rolling around each other firing shotties, it looks silly. I'd rather it be more about the element of surprise or an advantageous position.

Also, the most REALISTIC GAME ever would be one where when you died in game, a knock on your door would happen, you get up and answer only to see nobody there. When you return to your room some guy comes crashing through the window and double taps you to the skull. That or your ps3/xbox opens up to reveal a gun that blasts you.


10 years ago  ::  Mar 08, 2010 - 9:36PM #739
Posts: 650

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:39PM, The Black Hound wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:54PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:48PM, Deaco wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:37PM, Blastaar wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 5:15PM, callmeJackz wrote:

Mar 8, 2010 -- 6:27AM, HiPOL wrote:

 Invulnerable animations ruins realism of the game and gamers relations  (people take it as cheat or lag).

Since when did Lost Planet seem real?


No game is real, that doesn't mean that we should be able to fly in mw2, or use an animation that gives us invincibility while using a weapon that has extreme firepower. Or use the same animation to cheat people who've caught you in a grenade blast.

That move requires more skill in Lost Planet 2, than in the first game. Plus, you can still keep shooting the person while he/she is in the stagger animation. Or you can just keep throwing another grenade, you can't dodge two one after another unless the second is way off target. It's not really cheating off a kill, as thats like saying that  if a guy rolls from a rocket, the guy who is rolling cheated you from your kill because he rolled away.

Nam' Sayin'?

No.  Even with more "skill" being required it will still be perfected by many in a matter of days.  If you have a great cross map rocket or stick you should get the kill, they shouldn't be able to just roll any attack and leave you wondering wtf.  This also leads being mistaken for lag, a glitch, or will just piss people off and turn them away from this game.

I agree that a grenade stick should be a garunteed kill, but rolling out of an explosion is key to Lost Planet's uniqueness. I doubt there is anyone in the that hasn't found rolling out of an explosion extremely useful on multiple occassions.

Lets say you get what you wished for and Capcom takes the invincibility out of the first frames of the roll (which, infact, will be a much smaller window in Lost Planet 2.) Rolling would become a waste of time in many cases. If the invincibility frames where gone, you would become a rolling target that takes extra damage and is incapable of fighting back in the process. How helpful is that to you? You wouldnt notice it now, but you would be racking up a lot more pointless, frustrating deaths if it weren't for that small moment of invulnerability.

Explodorolling is a skill that involve precise timing and tactical movement, and it was intentionally put into the game. If you have problems killing them with explosive ordinances, try shooting them. Firing your weapon is much more consistant and effective, for they can't fight back or change direction while rolling, and they take more damage. Everything has balance. Even rolling has a disadvantage. Use it.

This isn't an argument on how to kill a person rolling, it is one of is the roll a good element to be added to the game?  To me and most people I know, no it is not.  Sure the roll would be used less but that's just fine.  In gears you are not invincible when you roll but you still see people roll in it.  It is last resort dive that is faster than walking or even sprinting for that second a rocket is flying at you while you attempt to get out of the way.  It should not be a way to dive straight into the rocket and magically live.

10 years ago  ::  Mar 09, 2010 - 5:10AM #740
The Black Hound
Posts: 248

Interesting realism Blastaar. I agree that getting stuck with a disc/gum grenade should be an undisputed kill. The player has an explosive literally attached to their body. They shouldnt be able the exlodoroll out of it and survive. Other instances, like rolling out of the blast radius of a frag grenade for example, are much more passable since the object isnt physically latched onto you. As for the invulnerability frames, I feel as though they add excitement to the gameplay. Overcoming enemy nade tossing with a practiced skill and retailiating with a vengance gets the adrenaline pumping. Those I-frames just helps make it possible, as well as epic. I am glad Capcom reduced the I-frames in LP2.

My question is: Can support weapons be upgraded as well?

PSO Kireek
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