Wow that IS an awesome pic
Yeah did you see the resemblance?
yeah lol. it would be so awesome to be able to control an akrid like that temporarily in one of the episodes
PSN: callmeJackz Steam: callmeJackz http://www.youtube.com/callmejackz
Question snow. In the Full version of the TGS trailer, Are the little chit chats that they are having in the trailer what they can actually say in gameplay? Or was that just for the trailer?
Question snow. In the Full version of the TGS trailer, Are the little chit chats that they are having in the trailer what they can actually say in gameplay? Or was that just for the trailer?
I sure hope not..Having a campaign like that be broken by 4 voice Actors...The Cinematic Voicework is fine, it's just the in-game action ones that seem like it's just 4 people who started playing the game for the first time and they just talk in an unusual way. 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
I guess one of the questions we are wondering is, do we get LP2 or do we wait for LP2: Colonies Edition?
I guess one of the questions we are wondering is, do we get LP2 or do we wait for LP2: Colonies Edition?
I don't think CAPCOM will make this mistake again, they rather release additional content though DC...
Xbox Live Gamertag: MegaErick
I guess one of the questions we are wondering is, do we get LP2 or do we wait for LP2: Colonies Edition?
I don't think CAPCOM will make this mistake again, they rather release additional content though DC...
yeah if colonies was dlc it would have been way better.....waaaayyyy betttter
I guess one of the questions we are wondering is, do we get LP2 or do we wait for LP2: Colonies Edition?
I don't think CAPCOM will make this mistake again, they rather release additional content though DC...
Let us hope that is the case.
Question snow. In the Full version of the TGS trailer, Are the little chit chats that they are having in the trailer what they can actually say in gameplay? Or was that just for the trailer?
I sure hope not..Having a campaign like that be broken by 4 voice Actors...The Cinematic Voicework is fine, it's just the in-game action ones that seem like it's just 4 people who started playing the game for the first time and they just talk in an unusual way. 
Those voices are not in the game. That was supposed to be a representative of what it would be like to play online... LOL
Yea, I know it's terrible, so don't worry, you won't be listening to that while you play. =)
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
That was supposed to be a representative of what it would be like to play online... LOL
Loooooooooooooooool. I'm sorry, but that was fail. Got me a little worked up for second there..
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post