Lost Planet 2: Strive to Survive
Keep on rollin'
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Congratz' Flashy Achieved the 400th Post
Lost Planet 2 - Party like its 1000 Posts
Progress : 404/1000(Will add every 100 posts )
why thank you
Lost Planet 2:Om nom nom,snow pirates (Sir om nom nom says that)
 Your FACE!...god damnit! C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.) 3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me. Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211 What you're doing is 120% criminal. Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt. You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
Minimum lessened to page 100! Let's keep going. Lost Planet 2: Extreme Ultimatum
"My young seeds once again, will look up to the sky, And I know they will grow strong..." "insert long post here when I have time to write it." "Stay Tuned."- Sven Call me the Capcomrade!
Lost Planet 2 The world has changed. The fight has not.
Lost planet 2: Factions of (insert the planets name her i forgot it dang it) i know it sucks, im just taking a stab.
Lost planet 2: Factions of (insert the planets name her i forgot it dang it)
i know it sucks, im just taking a stab.
In otherwords you saying
Lost Planet 2 : Factions of E.D.N.III Hm? Sounds Good!  No seriously thats a really good idea! *Sir Om Nom Nom Plushie Hovering everslowly towards J* Sir Om Nom Nom! Whyyyyyyyyyy! Why can't we Just be Freinds! Lost Planet 2 - Operation E.D.N.III
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Lost Planet 2: Snow Pirates - A Good Source of Fiber Lost Planet 2: Why so many emos online? Lost Planet 2: Once more with feeling
Lost Planet 2: CRAB BATTLE! Lost Planet 2: Could use some more PC Lost Planet 2: Clan Wars