Quoting Snow: "Colonies has system link capabilities." in sticky :Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition Fact Sheet. How do we set up system link?
i remember seeing it on the on the main menu. it's under "xbox live" on the "online battle" sub-menu.
For a standard System Link
- two Xbox 360's
- one ethernet cable
- two Lost Planet Colonies Game Disc's
- two T.V.'s
Step 1 : have T.V. 1 + 360 1 and Colonies 1 set up like normal Step 2 : Do the same for T.V., 360 And Colonies 2 Step 3 : Make sure the ethernet cable goes from the ethernet port in system 1 to system 2's ethernet port Step 4 : start up both systems and games Step 5 : once you have loaded the Data select Online Battle - System Link and search Step 6 : Select your friends match and enjoy
For a standard System Link
- two Xbox 360's
- one ethernet cable
- two Lost Planet Colonies Game Disc's
- two T.V.'s
Step 1 : have T.V. 1 + 360 1 and Colonies 1 set up like normal Step 2 : Do the same for T.V., 360 And Colonies 2 Step 3 : Make sure the ethernet cable goes from the ethernet port in system 1 to system 2's ethernet port Step 4 : start up both systems and games Step 5 : once you have loaded the Data select Online Battle - System Link and search Step 6 : Select your friends match and enjoy
could probable add a router or splitter or whatever in and do everything stated above times 8 to get 16 people all together
There are a couple of ways to "split" an ethernet connection: A switch or a hub. For LAN gaming like you guys are suggesting, I would use a switch. Hubs suffer from a lot of packet collision, which could lead to lag or connection issues when playing with a lot of players. Routers, like those from Netgear and Linksys, use an internal switch to connect the networked devices together, so if you have one of those, you're good to go. You can expand your router's available ethernet ports by buying an ethernet switch and running an ethernet cable from any port on your router to the highest numbered port on the ethernet switch (or the port on the switch labeled "uplink", if there is one). Then plug all your devices into the switch and/or the router and they will be able to communicate with eachother.
this is probebly the stupitesed question i ever done but while in a system link can you still play online to?
no you cant play online unless you router/hub has an internet connection hooked up to it so it you be Internet Cable Hub/Router ethernet cables to other xboxs
On a side note; before LANing you must set you 360's connection settings to "automatic" if it's not already set that way. Otherwise, you will not be able to see each other when searching for matches.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter