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Sticky: Advanced Akrid Player Controls For Lost Planet Colonies
12 years ago  ::  Jun 09, 2008 - 10:34PM #1
Posts: 4,549

Chryatis/Gorechryatis (Mantis/Big Mantis)
Akrid Info
This war beast will attacking any hostile it can for a little bit of warm T-Eng. They attack with long blade-like arms, and will inflict a lot of damage. It's the strongest Akrid you'll encounter in the games early stages. Close quarter combat, although difficult at times, is not impossible. But a nice VS will bring'em down fast. The Chryatis will jab at you with it's thorn like head, but mostly swing its deadly arms. Take out the thermal joints connecting these arms to the body to render the Chryatis harmless.
A larger evolved form of the warrior Akrid Chryatis. The Gorechryatis will open its mouth and fire boiling T-Eng, at it's enemies. The weak points are both its open mouth, and stomach region, however the body is covered in a thick Armour skin.
2 Swipe and Swing - : Once started your Akrid will raise up swinging its arms about wildly then swing its left arm, right arm then a small pause then a left arm round house swing. (Good for taking out V.S)
Downward Chomp - : Your Akrid will stop raise his head and ram it in to the ground to hit enemy's under you
Fire Ball - : Your Akrid will stop withdraw his head then shot it back out with a Fire Ball that flies in a straight line
Multiply Fire Ball - (Rapidly) : Your Akrid will stop withdraw his head then shot it back out with around 10 Fire Balls from left to right of the screen at and 45 degree angle from the centre of the screen
Left Swing - : Your Akrid will raise his left arm pause for 1/2 a second and then swing from left to right
Right Swing - : Your Akrid will raise his Right arm pause for 1/2 a second and then swing from right to left
Left Stomp - (hold) : You will notice you Left arm flash while you are holding the . once you see it flash if you release your Akrid will stop raise his Left arm and ram it in to the ground to hit enemy's under you
Right Stomp - (hold) : You will notice you Left arm flash while you are holding the . once you see it flash if you release your Akrid will stop raise his Right arm and ram it in to the ground to hit enemy's under you
Multiply Left Stomp - (Rapidly) : Your Akrid will stop raise his Left arm and ram it in to the ground multiply times to hit enemy's under you
Multiply Right Stomp - (Rapidly) : Your Akrid will stop raise his Right arm and ram it in to the ground multiply times to hit enemy's under you
Left Rear Swipe - Then Tap : Your Akrid will raise his left arm pause for 1 second and then swing and do a 180 turn while swiping
Right Rear Swipe - Then Tap : Your Akrid will raise his Right arm pause for 1 second and then swing and do a 180 turn while swiping
Jump Stride - Click in + : Your Akrid will lunge forward this is far quicker then walking
High Jump - (Hold) : Your Akrid will fly up wards with enough high to scale the tallest building's
Weak Points
Chryatis/ Gorechryatis
The Main Weak points for the both of these Akrid are they're slow turning speed Open rear (Orange Main Weak Point) and upper forearms (Orange Main Weak Point)(Note: The Gorechryatis has extra Armour on his forearms and Rear)
Worst/Best Maps and Akrid Type Used on Them
Canyon 810 - Chryatis/ Gorechryatis - Very good map for this Akrid its very open and not many closed of space's just watch out for the small bridges and cliffs. Use the Jump Stride to make your way around the map faster.
Pirate Fortress - Chryatis - Not a good map to move around in but a good one to rack up the kills just try to avoid the uneven areas, the cliff at the back and the house with the basement you get hit with grenades from the windows.
Lost Coast - Chryatis - A good map the only key problem with this map is the buildings they can hinder your movements and attacks and give the opponents a good place to hide. Use the Jump Stride to make your way around the map faster.
Frozen Wasteland - Chryatis/ Gorechryatis - One of the best levels for this akrid the only problems you will have are the rear cave/garage, the uneven ground by the bridges and the top of the tower then though the Chryatis can jump on the top platform. Use the Jump Stride to make your way around the map faster.
Crimson River - Chryatis - This level is the worst level for this Akrid uneven ground every where make it hard to hit you enemy's and the Lava will finish you off if you step one foot out of line.
Training Facility - Chryatis - This is a good level because of the open and even areas they help for moment and you can use your sweeping to they're full potential and try to use the Jump Stride to get around faster.
Hive Complex - Not Seen On This Map To date - N/A
Ruins - Chryatis - Not a good map to move around in but a good one to rack up the kills just try to avoid the uneven areas, the water by the cliff and the cliff its self as its splits from the the spawn of the humans to under the water so watch out you don't want to fall in most people do. Use the Jump Stride to make your way around the map faster.
Ice Drop - Chryatis - One of the worst maps in the game for akrid uneven area everywhere makes it hard to hit people and one false swipe could take you off the edge. this is a really bad level for any akrid avoid at all costs.
Crossfire City - Chryatis - A good map the only key problem with this map is the buildings they can hinder your movements and attacks and give the opponents a good place to hide. It has some nice open areas to get some decent kills
Area 921 - Chryatis - The open area around the central hill are you best bet for getting easy kills just make sure you watch the underground for people and V.S. jumping out at you for a surprise attack and try to jump around the main hill as it hinders work walking and Jump Stride movements.
Lost Arena - Chryatis - The open central area and the open spawn rooms make for easy kills but the the trenches in the lower area and the Seats in the upper area are you down fall as they leave you far to open to attacks just Jump Stride around the level and try to use the Rear Swipe to take out your enemy's. If you feel the need to if you are getting powned from the trenches feel free the aim low and Fire Ball them it works well once you get the aim down.
Assault Space - Chryatis -This level is a pain with a HUGH gap in the middle, small bridges and the size of you is the main problem of this map. The in closed areas of this map are a pain they Holt your moments and your attacks and you'll get hit with heavy damage try to stay on top of the map and use your Fire Balls bide your time and they will come to you.

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12 years ago  ::  Jun 09, 2008 - 10:34PM #2
Posts: 4,549

Dongo/Godon (Little Roller/Big Roller)
Akrid Info
A highly armoured Akrid form that primarily curls up into a ball and propels itself at enemies; causing the most damage. The Dongo will also use its large pincers to lock a grip on its prey, or hit them with a brutal smash. Depending on location you can either shoot the Dongo in the T-Eng sac on its tail. Or trick it into running off a cliff by side stepping its rolling attack near the edge of such a location. Another although more difficult method is using the anchor to attach yourself to the Dongo's back, and blast the tail at point blank range.
Like Dongo's the Godon will roll up into a ball and try to run down its enemies. The evolved Godon however is far stronger and can pound through rock and structures with it's incredibly Armour plated skin. Using its mandible-like pincers the Godon will extend these two vices, and clamp its enemies at a ranged distance. Or smash the enemies with bombarding swings. Fear not like the Dongo's the Godon has a semi-simple solution to killing it.
Short Burst Roll - : Your Akrid will Roll up and and will roll forward with a burst of speed for around 1 - 2 seconds and deals good damage but not as much as the Long Slow Roll
Long Slow Roll - : Your Akrid will Rolling up and slowly roll forward for around 5 - 7 seconds this is faster then walking and can do some heavy damage to V.S.
Jaw Lunge (Godon Only) - : Your Akrid will pause for about 1 second then launch its twin Jaws forward and snap them around the foe. deals good damage to V.S.
Left Claw Swipe - : Your Akrid will raise his Left arm and swipe it from right to straight down in front of you
Right Claw Swipe - : Your Akrid will raise his Right arm and swipe it from right to straight down in front of you
Dual Claw Swipe - + : Your Akrid will raise his Left and Right arm do a small lunge forward and swipe from both left and right to straight down in front of you. deals good damage to V.S.
Small Hop - Click in + : Your Akrid will do a small hop forward this is far slower then walking
High Jump - (Hold) : Your Akrid will fly up wards with enough high to scale the tallest building's (Try rolling as you land for extra distance and to surprise you enemy)
Weak Points
The Main Weak points for the both of these Akrid are they're slow turning speed and Open rear (Orange Main Weak Point)
Worst/Best Maps and Akrid Type Used on Them
Canyon 810 - Dongo/Godon - The only problems on this map for this Akrid are the cliffs and huts you fall of the cliff your done for and the hut can hide your enemy's and they can shoot at you and you can't do nothing back other then that just Roll and get kills its that simple for this map.
Pirate Fortress - Dongo - Easy map to rack up the kills the only things that hinder you is the house's as you can't roll up or over them and they'll slow you down you'll also easily get grenade from them and cliff at the back if you roll to close on grenade will put you off it.
Lost Coast - Dongo - The Main Problem for this level is the buildings they will slow you down and are a good place to hide for the humans. other then that watch out for the cliff under the water and by the human spawn 2. and use you jump and roll attacks to the max to get the kills.
Frozen Wasteland - Dongo/Godon - One of the best levels for this Akird the only problems you will have are the rear cave/garage and the top of the tower then though the Dongo can jump on the top platform. Long Slow Roll here to get your kills on the humans and the Short Burst Roll to take down the V.S..
Crimson River - Dongo/Godon - This level is the worst level for Akrid as every roll could take you to your death as the Lava will finish you off if you step one foot out of line. Try to keep up high and use the Short Burst Roll when you know you have enough ground in front of you to roll. The spawns points are very open for the humans so its easy to get the kills in this map.
Training Facility - Dongo - This is a good level because of the open and even areas they help for moment and you can use your Rolls to they're full potential and try to use the Jump and rolls to take your enemy's by surprise
Hive Complex - Dongo - This level is well crap for the Dongo some times you will spawn and get pushed off to your death. The mountains are a pain you cant roll effectively and will most likely get pushed off by Pile Drivers and your own team. The easiest place to move is inside the caves but it will leave you open to grenade attacks and being pinned in a conner so this isn't a recommended Level
Ruins - Godon - only roll if you have to here I.E. you spawn at the temple. because of the shallow waters and the cliffs it could end the match in one false step try to use your Claw Swipes, Dual Claw Swipe and Jaw Lunge to get you kills here but try not to roll UNLESS you really have too.
Ice Drop - Dongo - One of the worst maps in the game for Akrid uneven area everywhere makes it hard to hit people and one false Roll could take you off the edge. this is a really bad level for any akrid avoid at all costs.
Crossfire City - Dongo - then uneven rubble can hinder you here it can hide enemy's ands slow you down even knock you of course a little try to use you Short Burst Roll and High Jump here to get the edge on the enemy. also your Claw Swipes work very good here on the ground troops just watch out for the guys that camp the buildings they can be the most trouble here.
Area 921 - Dongo/Godon - One of the easier levels to rack up your kills with this guy. Just Long Slow Roll over the main hill and aim for the stairs as many people seem to forget it may be the quickest way out their spawn but the easiest way for you to kill them. Watch out in the underground tunnels as they seem to get you nicely with plasma grenades here and use your Short Burst Roll to pick up guys try to get away.
Lost Arena - Dongo - The Trenches are your key problem here as you an kill anyone in them so you are helpless to do anything to stop them hitting you. your Short Burst Roll is your key move in this match as they have an open spawn and you can roll right in. Try to stay alert for shots coming from the Seats as they will get you very easily considering your in an open ring just High Jump up there and a Short Burst Roll should do the job.
Assault Space - Dongo - This level is a pain with a HUGH gap in the middle, small bridges are the main problem of this map. The in closed areas of this map are a pain they Holt your rolls and slow your moments and your attacks and you'll get hit with heavy damage. try to use you Claw Swipes and Short Burst Rolls to catch them off guard. Because of the in closed areas they can help you as much as them just time your attacks and you should be fine just DON'T roll on the bridges!!!!.

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12 years ago  ::  Jun 09, 2008 - 10:35PM #3
Posts: 4,549

Neegal (Scorpion)

Akrid Info


Living in war regions the scorpion-like Akrid may also fly and will usually leap at its targets. The tail as is the case with a scorpion will extend for long range attacks, and inject poison into its prey. However the tail is also its weakest point. Shoot the hub holding T-Eng on its tail and the stinger will break and so the Neegal becomes an easier foe to beat.


Rear Tail Swipe- : Your Akrid will pause for 1 second and then swing its tail and do a 180 turn while swiping

Tail Thrust - : Your Akrid will raise his Tail then pause for 1 second and launch his Tail in the direction you are facing and it has a very long reach

Left Tail Swing - : Your Akrid will swing his tail from Left to Right great against Players on foot

Right Tail Swing - : Your Akrid will swing his tail from Right to Left great against Players on foot

Forward Jump Lunge Strike - Stand Still Then + : Your Akrid will jump into the air and lunge forward with its tail underneath it and inflict heavy damage to V.S.

Small Hop - Click in + : Your Akrid will do a small hop forward this is far slower then walking

High Jump - (Hold) : Your Akrid will fly up wards with enough high to scale the tallest building's

Weak Points


The Main Weak points for this Akrid is its weak hide, the time it takes to do its attacks, the Tail Joint (Orange Main Weak Point) and under belly (Orange Main Weak Point)

Worst/Best Maps

Canyon 810 - Not Seen On This Map Todate - N/A

Pirate Fortress - This is a small map so it is perfect for the Neegal. you and work all your moves in here and get maximum kills. You can use your tail swing to hit through the buildings on the east. you really shouldn't have to much trouble on this map.

Lost Coast - The Main Problem for this level is the buildings they will slow you down and are a good place to hide for the humans. Other then that watch out for the cliff under the water. Try and use your Forward Jump Lunge Strike and Tail Swings attacks to the max to get the kills since they seem to hit through certain walls. Also you can use you High jump to its full effect here to reach the top of the buildings quicker then the other Akrid.

Frozen Wasteland - Not Seen On This Map Todate - N/A 

Crimson River - Watch the Lava and the uneven surfaces They are your key problems here, your High jump, Tail Swings and Tail Thrust will be your main attacks here. Try to use your Tail Thrust here and aim it carefully because you'll get most of the guys hanging off the bridge's.

Training Facility -

Hive Complex -

Ruins - Not Seen On This Map Todate - N/A

Ice Drop - One of the worst maps in the game for akird uneven area everywhere makes it hard to hit people and one false swipe could take you off the edge. this is a really bad level for any akrid avoid at all costs.

CrossFire City -

Area 921 -

Lost Arena -

Assault Space - Ok This is a weird map for the Neegal, Since it has to major enclosed areas you and use your Tail Swings to the full advantage. But if you get caught on the Upper sides of the map or the bridges you can take heavy fire to easy. So try to move quick outside and strike Hard inside.

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12 years ago  ::  Jun 09, 2008 - 11:42PM #4
Posts: 4,873
Nice Info! Thanks man. I'm gonna sticky this in the Colonies section.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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12 years ago  ::  Jun 10, 2008 - 8:22AM #5
Posts: 4,549

Snow Infernus wrote:

Nice Info! Thanks man. I'm gonna sticky this in the Colonies section.

thank you i thought I'd do this as not all the attacks are known or are in the instruction booklet

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12 years ago  ::  Jun 10, 2008 - 8:55AM #6
Man Is Obsolete
Posts: 191
wow, bthr.  you're awesome.  thanks!
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12 years ago  ::  Jun 10, 2008 - 9:26AM #7
Posts: 253
Someone awesome should translate all this into PC controls for us keyboard and mouse users.

Maybe I will when I get home from work. Sounds like a fun little project.
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12 years ago  ::  Jun 10, 2008 - 9:32AM #8
Posts: 4,549

psycoblade wrote:

Someone awesome should translate all this into PC controls for us keyboard and mouse users.

Maybe I will when I get home from work. Sounds like a fun little project.

if you could that would be fantastic let me know if you do and ill Edit my post and add the PC controls as well

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12 years ago  ::  Jul 11, 2008 - 8:02AM #9
Posts: 4,549

Well ive updated the Godon/Dongo and the Chryatis/ Gorechryatis sections ill get around to the Neegal ^_^


<=> BTHR Zero <=>

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12 years ago  ::  Jul 27, 2008 - 11:13PM #10
Posts: 995
i'm sorry, but you're totally wrong about crimson river being the worst map for being Akrid. i have never won there as a human, but as Akrid its a win everytime. =P
thanks for your time, Dc. =)
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