When Starting LostPlanetDX10.exe I get an error message stating
"This application has failed to start because XINPUT1_3.dll was not found. Re-installing this application may fix this problem."
Now I have re-downloaded and re-installed this demo numerous times and I receive the same error message every time. I am convinced that this is not a download nor installation problem.
My current Specs are>
AMD Athlon 64 x2 4800+ @ 2x2.5Ghz 1GB RAM 8600GT 496MB OC Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition
Oh and I am trying to run the Lost Planet DX10 Demo
you have to download the latest direct x drivers from microsoft heres the link: http://www.gamesforwindows.com/en-US/Ab … ctX10.aspxthere was an easier link at the time but nvidia has removed it from their page it seems.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
Thankyou so Much The Demo is great:)
Also you can download just reqired file here xinput13dll.com/. Hope, you fix this error ;)
Yeah, i solved this problem in this way, Anthony. Interesting why can't developers still fix it after so many years. I found this .dll file on fix4dll.com/xinput1_3_dll and placed it into right folder. That's all you need to fix it, pretty easy, right?
for win10, you need win10 version at www.dll-download-system.com/dlls-x-/xinp... That's what you need to fix it