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Switch to Forum Live View X360: Beating 1st Boss "Godon" on Hard, Help?
12 years ago  ::  Dec 07, 2007 - 2:53PM #1
Posts: 3
I'm playing Lost Planet on Xbox 360  for first time, but as always with every game I start off on hard. Well in this case, I can't seem to beat Godon (boss on 1st mission). I just can't seem to get out of the way of its rolling technique or get behind him long enough to shot the tail. Any tips? I'm constantly attacked by either the small 4 minions (dongo) or the the large one Godon...

I read the FAQ/Walkthroughs on various sites, but they all seem to target medium difficulty. They also mention 2 VS, but I only see one I can use. The game automatically starts with 1000 T-E. When the T-E runs out, I can't continue to use the VS'.

Any help would be much appreciated!
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12 years ago  ::  Dec 07, 2007 - 4:47PM #2
Posts: 1,577
when i beat it on extreme mode there wasn't one vs at all. what i did was save up all of the shotgun and rocket launcher ammo and grenade amo from the whole level. when i fought him i used the shotgun at short range and the rocket launcher at longe range. when the guy is starting to do his roll thing if u shoot him with the rocket launcher or thorw a grenade at him he will go flying. use the vs rocket launcher laying around the boss as well. and also use the vs first too to try and take off as much dmg as you can.
AMD Phenom II 940                               PSN=roofsniper
Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler
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12 years ago  ::  Aug 27, 2008 - 8:56AM #3
Posts: 8

Yea I start games the same way my dude. What I did was take the two dongos ( minions) out 1st. One comes from both side left and right. Then eventually the big one comes out. I kill the left dongo 1st cause it's closes to me. I threw my nade over there just to have those buns nice and red so when me and the shoti come thru,'s a wrap! "Get that one out of here". I don't even mess with mother alien til I kill those dongos. Or I stay close and strafe around the big one and force it to help me kill the other dongo. At the same time attacking the big dongo. Once I get them out of the way like the above post said....wait for the blanka ball attack, shoot the rocket or nade it and evade the slide ( cause that hurts too). Use your anchor to stand right on the tail of it and just let that bully have it. Combo that up with the rocket when you got a clean hit, and he'll be outta there too.



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12 years ago  ::  Oct 19, 2008 - 5:25AM #4
Chi Ee
Posts: 2

Hi, i have the same difficulty.

It seems a waste to invest in new game and unable to get through the initial rounds.

I read up on cheats though but is unable to key in the codes to enable infinite health.

At the pause screen


Down, down, down, up, Y, up, Y, up, Y, up, up, up, down, x, down,x, down, x, left, y, right, x, left, y,right, x, RB+LB

And i tried this many times, the cheat codes do not seem to work.

Please advise.

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12 years ago  ::  Oct 19, 2008 - 11:58AM #5
Posts: 1,577

try our advice if you are just gonna use cheat codes then you will be using them the entire game because this boss really isn't that hard compared to the rest of them. i believe hard mode even has a vs in it which you could use. the vs rocket launcher, rocket launcher and shotgun are the best weapons to kill him with.

AMD Phenom II 940                               PSN=roofsniper
Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler
Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi                 
4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500                     
PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W           
NZXT Alpha with open window
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