hi everyone im stuck on level 5 or 6 not sure what one,green eye is the end of level boss and i cant kill it ive tryed killing it by shooting the yellow circles on its side by cannot kill it in time for my themal energy or life fades away everytime any hints how i can kill this badboy?
The best way to kill Green Eye is by shooting at him. :D
Just kidding...
1. Get a 360 Controller (since I have no clue how to get the joystick going) 2. Flank the bug and pop his side spots 3. Pickup any Thermal Goop from the side spots 4. Grab the shotgun lying around in there 5. Unleash all chaos above his head, busting the 4 face zits 6. Grab the Thermal Zit Drippings 7. Jam both triggers while aiming at the same spot where the face zits where until he really pops
Basically, Run n' Gun
Remember your jump and fly (A + A) and cruising hover (Y)
thanks sidewinder will try later
lol green eye owns me every time i only ever beet him by luck i cant even remember that bid target on his 4 head let alone everyother time i wasn wasting ammo with the rocket 2 notice :p
oh yea and thnx side winder lol i wanted to be friends with him but he doesnt like me was it something i said
oh well the steps really helped he was anooying 4 me must be the size differance
The best way to kill Green Eye is by shooting at him. :D
Just kidding...
1. Get a 360 Controller (since I have no clue how to get the joystick going) 2. Flank the bug and pop his side spots 3. Pickup any Thermal Goop from the side spots 4. Grab the shotgun lying around in there 5. Unleash all chaos above his head, busting the 4 face zits 6. Grab the Thermal Zit Drippings 7. Jam both triggers while aiming at the same spot where the face zits where until he really pops
Basically, Run n' Gun
Remember your jump and fly (A + A) and cruising hover (Y) i personally think this strategy works best.
1. right as the battle starts adn greeneye smashes through some buildings to the side, launch a rocket at him just incase you manage to hit someething. xD then boost dash your way around the circle until you pass between a pair of still standing buildings 2. replace your machien gun with the shotugn just to teh right of the buildings in plain view, then use the rises on eitehr side of most of hte area to get next to greeneye without hurting yourself, and unload a rocket on one of the spots, while you loose your shotgun on the others, of course taking proper motions ot dodge the ice spikes. 3. after you finish each of the side spots and grab the thermal energy from them, grab a machine gun again and keep teh rocket launcher, boost backwards while greeneye comes towards you an dunload your machiengun and rocket on the 4 head spots. after this, hop up on the outcroping in the middle and grab the grenade launcher. 4. while he's chargeing around like an idiot, launch a grenade square in the middle of the large target spot, 2 well aimed cluster grenades will finsih him off, even on extreme.
The best way to kill Green Eye is by shooting at him. :D Just kidding... 1. Get a 360 Controller (since I have no clue how to get the joystick going) 2. Flank the bug and pop his side spots 3. Pickup any Thermal Goop from the side spots 4. Grab the shotgun lying around in there 5. Unleash all chaos above his head, busting the 4 face zits 6. Grab the Thermal Zit Drippings 7. Jam both triggers while aiming at the same spot where the face zits where until he really pops Basically, Run n' Gun Remember your jump and fly (A + A) and cruising hover (Y) i personally think this strategy works best. 1. right as the battle starts adn greeneye smashes through some buildings to the side, launch a rocket at him just incase you manage to hit someething. xD then boost dash your way around the circle until you pass between a pair of still standing buildings 2. replace your machien gun with the shotugn just to teh right of the buildings in plain view, then use the rises on eitehr side of most of hte area to get next to greeneye without hurting yourself, and unload a rocket on one of the spots, while you loose your shotgun on the others, of course taking proper motions ot dodge the ice spikes. 3. after you finish each of the side spots and grab the thermal energy from them, grab a machine gun again and keep teh rocket launcher, boost backwards while greeneye comes towards you an dunload your machiengun and rocket on the 4 head spots. after this, hop up on the outcroping in the middle and grab the grenade launcher. 4. while he's chargeing around like an idiot, launch a grenade square in the middle of the large target spot, 2 well aimed cluster grenades will finsih him off, even on extreme.
Thanks to both you guys. I've been having trouble with "Green Eyes" and I too will try these technics.
i killed it easily by just blasting with twin gattling guns at his side orbs and collecting the goo, then i take out the front ones(usually harder) then use grande launcher to finish, trick is to dash alot
I started hating this boss. But finally the grenade trick on his head did the job.
Life is a huge MMORPG