Do u find yerself spending as much time muting people as gaming? Do u find yerself in games of lil kids team killing, shreeking, or trying out for American Idol(horrible singing)? If these things bother you half as much as they bother me, I might have the answer for u. I'm a member of a ADULT group of gamers. We don't consider ourselves a clan, more of a mature group of gamers that prefer to game with people our own age. Our age limit is set at 21, but several members are much older. This age limit is set for several reasons, at age 21 most people have the screaming and complaining out of there system by then. Also most of us don't wanna feel like a petafile everytime we get online. So youngins don't be offended, this isn't a bashing of youth thread, this is to show ADULTS where to get games in with other ADULTS. With good people to game with, the gaming experience multiply's ten fold. I write this, just to spread the word, and allow more adult gamers to enjoy gaming again. If u feel this is a group for you, please don't hesitate to send me a message, or just reply and I can point u in the right direction.
I've been playing lost planet for a while now and would like to join a clan but have no idea how anyone with any pointers
I'am interested and I'am 38 yrs. old
message sent to yer email NoCryin.. thanks for the interest, hope to see u around..
i'm 32 and im a pretty avid player of both lostplanet and gears of war, would be very intrested in joining a group of ppl my own age too play with, xbox is in shop at moment please add will play when i get it back.
Message sent.. hope to see u one the boards.. we're building a strong group
im 74 can i join ? im pretty good. i often crack my ancles walkin on the street so i sit home and own some 15 year old noobs. :D
I'm 22, which puts me over your age limit only barely, but I'm definitely nowhere near having the the kind of lack of maturity you describe (and I know exactly what you mean). Can I join?
Interesting. :)
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
Can i joint?i am 37,lv 10 only which i am enjoying playin with anyone but just that i have no clan or groups to play and learn with ..any takers