CLAN NAME:online eliminaters
clan leader:killer999355 co leader:kanenobaka 3rd:.......
CLAN MEMBERS: 1.................... 2.................... 3.................... 4.................... 5..................... 6.................... 7..................... 8.....................
console: xbox360 only map's played:crimson river,,lost coast,darktown,trial point etc
rules: 1:MUST HAVE FUN rule 2: MUST BE KIND TO OTHER PLAYERS(no matter how annoying they can get lol) rule 3: MUST ATTEND TRAINING SESSIONS IF ASKED
bit about the leader:i am on most of the time......lvl 99 fav map: lost coast...........team player will usually stick with a nother player to giv support or help if required...willing to train low levels giv them advice etc and will giv each a clan member a chance to play subtitute or not :)
Hey guys this is Kanenobaka, 2nd in command. I'm not inceredibly good (only level 16 atm) but ah well. Need any help give me a buzz (though if killer999355 is on, better to ask him) ^^~
Hello. I have been playing the free online (PS3) version for about 5 months. The game version I have only played for a couple weeks, but I am level 20. Interested in a newbie?
Hey! every one i'm kinda new to this.i would love to join a clan but maybe i should play online and get hte hang of that first. email me if your willing to accept a noob my email is sithsean@yahoo.com.
I am intrested joining your group. Message me if u r taking me to your group. Gamertag-signifiedcookie