Tactical Warfare Head Quarters: http://www.twhq.org
Intro: http://www.twhq.org/index.php?showtopic=51 I joined and this is the best clan ive been in yet
I joined this clan very recently and It's very proffesional and friendly. Definitely a great clan to join
Glad your enjoying it Darken Ender
As the title reads,
International: members are from around the globe, from America to Europe, Austraila and many more! bringing all xboxlive members together into one friendly community
Maturity: The members consist of all ranges of age groups yet everyone show a mature level of gaming and everyone is treated the same as Tactical Warfare proves maturity is not based on age, we are a group of great friends and not bais of ages,races or your culture
Teamwork: We all work and train together and help each each other out when someone is in need and stick together as friends do
Tactics: We use real life militray tactics, TW is based on a militray structure and are very well orgiansied But most of all we like to have FUN :D
360, PC & PS3: TW isnt selective of just one console! we have game divsions for members on xbox360, PC and PS3
Tactical Warfare www.twhq.org
Check out the site, www.twhq.orgTactical Warfare Head Quarters
I recently have applied for membership into your clan and I look forward to hearing from you guys. You definitely got your stuff together as far as clans go and I hope I get a chance to prove myself on the battlefield.
Check out my LP vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/xXLostInPlaceXx
Follow our coverage of Lost Planet 2 and many other games at http://www.battlestrats.com/
Well like I said with our site being down I don't know what all will happen.
Just send me a message on XBL and we can work from there
The site was down just for a few hours as we were changing host. It's all good now www.twhq.org
Great clan, great structure, good mature people of all ages. I personally couldn't be happier with my clan choice. We are currently recruiting so check out the links above and you will not be disappointed.:D
Check out my LP vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/xXLostInPlaceXx
Follow our coverage of Lost Planet 2 and many other games at http://www.battlestrats.com/
You'll be joining a clan with a lot of experience and a bunch of friendly people! ^_^