I joined TG a month ago and so far, its the best community I've ever seen and played with.
Head Quarters:
Lets get a clan match goin on lost planet 2 .. ? you guys are on gamebattles rite? hit me up ON gb'S norcalz_finest or on XBL GT: INorCaLz FinesT
I have been in Tactical Gaming almost 3 years and I love it! There are a lot of Former, current and soon-to-be military members in TG. It is all about the teamwork, tactics and camaraderie.
Check it out.
www.TGHQ.org or www.tacticalgaming.net 
Check out Tactical Gaming.
Tactical Gaming is a community of mature, respectful gamers from all over the world. www.TGHQ.org or www.TacticalGaming.net
I joined TG a month ago and so far, its the best community I've ever seen and played with.
Thanks for the response-- Glad to have you in TG.

Check out Tactical Gaming.
Tactical Gaming is a community of mature, respectful gamers from all over the world. www.TGHQ.org or www.TacticalGaming.net
TacticalGaming.net was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe. Our organization spans multiple platforms (PS3, 360 and PC) and game franchises (BF, COD, MAG, Halo, etc). Some of our core values are a focus on teamwork and tactics, respect, leadership and maturity. Between our Tactical Warfare and Tactical Sports organizations we boast over 1,600 active members spread over North America, Europe, and Australia. If you would like to become a member or just want to learn a little more about us simply visit our site (see links below). Head Quarters: www.TacticalGaming.netAbout us: www.tghq.org/tghq/homepage.phpWhy join us: tghq.org/tghq/jointg.phpBattlefield Twitter Link: www.twitter.com/TGBattlefieldTG Battlefield Facebook: www.facebook.com/people/Tactical-Gaming-...JOIN NOW!:
If you haven't checked out TG then you don't know what you are missing. I have been in Tactical Gaming almost 3 years and I love it! There are a lot of Former, current and soon-to-be military members in TG. It is all about the teamwork, tactics and camaraderie.
Check it out.
www.TGHQ.org or www.tacticalgaming.net
Check out Tactical Gaming.
Tactical Gaming is a community of mature, respectful gamers from all over the world. www.TGHQ.org or www.TacticalGaming.net
I buried my own thread... I happened to notice all of the people looking for a clan and NOBODY was replying to them. That is sad. :(
Check it out.
www.TGHQ.org or www.tacticalgaming.net
Check out Tactical Gaming.
Tactical Gaming is a community of mature, respectful gamers from all over the world. www.TGHQ.org or www.TacticalGaming.net
Check out Tactical Gaming.
Tactical Gaming is a community of mature, respectful gamers from all over the world. www.TGHQ.org or www.TacticalGaming.net