Lost Planet Xbox 360 – Network patch
In a continuing effort to ensure the best possible gameplay experience for Lost Planet Xbox 360 players, Capcom has developed an extensive network update which will optimize the online gameplay experience.
On Thursday, August 30th, a network update will be implemented where players will be able to select from three different connection types when creating an online match. By allowing players to select the best connection type for their environment, the patch aims to improve the game’s connectivity for any players that have had previous problems.
There are 3 connection types. Players should choose the option that suits their configurations:
This is the standard setting regardless of upload speed.
[Pattern A]
This is more suitable when your upload speed is fast. Try this if your connection is unstable with Default.
[Pattern B]
This is more suitable when your upload speed is slow and your connection is not stable with Default. Try this if your connection is unstable with Default.
After the update is released, you may experience some problems if you join a multiplayer match where players who have installed the patch and those who haven’t are participating. The expected problems are as follows:
- Glitches with screen text
- The game stops progressing at certain screen.
- Disconnection (disbanded mission, etc)
If you experience problems like these, please try signing out once and signing in again.
What would a good/bad upload speed be?
What in-game experiences would demonstrate an "unstable" connection?
How can I determine my upload speed?
What would a good/bad upload speed be?
What in-game experiences would demonstrate an "unstable" connection?
How can I determine my upload speed? 1 depends on the how many are in the room
2. lagging out beign hard to kill and if people are saying you are flying and you are not trying to cheat intentionally
3. http://www.speedtest.net/
this is from my work to yokohama japan
Do these various patterns dictate how many players a game can host?
For example:
If the host's upload speed is greater than 1200 kb/s then Pattern A is most appropriate, allowing a maximum of 16 players to be hosted.
If the host's upload speed is between 600 kb/s and 1200 kb/s then the Default Pattern is most appropriate, allowing a maximum of 12 players to be hosted.
If the host's upload speed is less than 600 kb/s then Pattern B is most appropriate, allowing a maximum of 8 players to be hosted.
What happens if a default or a pattern B player joins a pattern A match?\ At my work to yokohama:
The patterns are only applied when creating a match.
I meant someone that qualifies for default and pattern B, But he joins a pattern A match.
Will he kicked out? Not able to join?
I have absolutely no answers for you. That was just released to me, and I'm waiting on more information myself. Once I get them, I'll start answering what questions I can. In the mean time, we all get to play the waiting game.
Don't sweat it, man. It's only ~2 days away. But if you find out before... inquiring mind(s) want to know!
Meh my test idk if it good or not lol  These updates im sure are for the better tho i have no clue what they do lets just hope there for the best ;)