Multiplayer map pack #2 for Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition for Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft is now available for download on Xbox Live® Marketplace. The map pack costs 400 Microsoft Points™ and includes two new multiplayer levels: "Hive Complex," an abandoned mine with twisting tunnels and bridges set on a war-blasted mountain side, and "Trial Point," a modern day office complex featuring a photorealistic backdrop of a busy city center. You can see screenshots and videos of the new maps by clicking on the links.
I have heard that there are new maps other than Hive and Trail Point coming soon. Is this true, if so when? Also I understand there is a map called Battlefield, is this one of the new maps coming?
I have heard that there are new maps other than Hive and Trail Point coming soon. Is this true, if so when? Also I understand there is a map called Battlefield, is this one of the new maps coming? That is true, and we'll be making an announcement about the 3rd map pack quite soon. This pack will have two all-new maps not seen before. It will not include Battlefield (which was a special map included with the Collector's Edition of Lost Planet), but Battlefield will be made available for FREE around the same time as Map Pack #3 comes out.
best, Seth
Ask me about my beard. Or don't. It's cool either way.
I'm thinking June 1, or 8th :D but that's just blind hope talking, btw having played halo 3 I have a greater appreciation of what you guys have done with LP thanks again
That is true, and we'll be making an announcement about the 3rd map pack quite soon. This pack will have two all-new maps not seen before. It will not include Battlefield (which was a special map included with the Collector's Edition of Lost Planet), but Battlefield will be made available for FREE around the same time as Map Pack #3 comes out.
best, Seth 3rd map pack? Two new maps?
That's it. Stop making five extra bucks off of us every two months. I bought this piece of crap special edition last January and I bought the other two map packs hoping that people would actually play them when I logged on, but no, and when they do, the horrible servers keep disconnecting me (everything was fine in January and February though, strangely).
Even though I have some disappointments with Lost Planet, I still think it's a great game that could turn into a really interesting series, but I don't want to be paying a fortune just to get all of the content. It already costs $50 a year to gain full Xbox Live membership and play the multiplayer portion of this game, but to repeatedly charge us for maps you were too lazy to finish on time and to suffocate a good game in obnoxious downloadable content (not to mention the "To celebrate Dead Rising and Lost Planet selling a million copies, we're going to tell you to spend three or ten bucks on brand new gamer pics and themes that are probably better than the ones we had when the games were new, but anyway, we know you want content but we're just going to make you pay") is just cold. And what, come January 2009 when the sequel comes 'round (that date is just an assumption), this is going to happen all over again? You're going to make more than enough money off of Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5 next year, so just give us a break.
Oh, and a little piece of that Hardballer figurine broke off when it fell from a mere 20 or so inches high onto a CARPET.