I'm starting to think it would be awesome if you could grapple to your teammates mechs to make traveling shorter. I mean think how funny it would be to see 5 people grappled to a super mech flying across Canyon810 to save traveling time. Not to mention people would fight over the mechs less LMAO!:D
I'm also starting to desire pulling that knife off my butt fanny pack and use it.... WHY CAN'T I USE IT???!!!~Joke~
Also does anybody feel the melee needs to be more effective/stronger?:confused:
sounds good. it would be awesome to hitch rides or slingshot off of each-other
definately could use this feature:D
Sounds good, although as far as transports concerned I want an APC on larger maps, maybe with a light armament for a gunner?
I'm starting to think it would be awesome if you could grapple to your teammates mechs to make traveling shorter. I mean think how funny it would be to see 5 people grappled to a super mech flying across Canyon810 to save traveling time. Not to mention people would fight over the mechs less LMAO!:D
I'm also starting to desire pulling that knife off my butt fanny pack and use it.... WHY CAN'T I USE IT???!!!~Joke~
Also does anybody feel the melee needs to be more effective/stronger?:confused: I completely agree,melee really should be more affective, if anything stun for slightly longer period of time and perhaps 2 hit knockdown 3 hit kill. it would be a cool idea too combine different types of attacks, perhaps hitting with the gun "butt" for standing attack not moving thumbstick towards person, and boot attack for pushing in direction of person melee attack, or perhaps dropping shoulder and tackling person for pushing melee button, and pushing in direction of person it would knock both ppl down same amount of time. The idea of people being able to "piggyback" mechs is actually a really good idea! and would save alot of time across those rediculosly long maps.
I'm starting to think it would be awesome if you could grapple to your teammates mechs to make traveling shorter. I mean think how funny it would be to see 5 people grappled to a super mech flying across Canyon810 to save traveling time. Not to mention people would fight over the mechs less LMAO!:D
I'm also starting to desire pulling that knife off my butt fanny pack and use it.... WHY CAN'T I USE IT???!!!~Joke~
Also does anybody feel the melee needs to be more effective/stronger?:confused: i think your supposed ot be able to grapple. o.o i mean, i can grapple to enemy VS. i see no reason you can't already grapple to allies. seriously, you can even grapple to the freaking bugs, and no ididn't forget hteir name. x3
You can grapple to a VS as the person is getting in it, then shoot your weapon until you need to reload (usually machine gun).
That's the only real use of it.
If Friendly Fire is ON, you can do it whenever they are in a VS.
Actually, you CAN grapple on to any VS and travel with it to cross longer distances in a shorter time. I have seen this done by the game creators themselves........look on gameradar.com or gamesradar.com look up lost planet, hit videos, find lost planet secrets revealed......there are 2 different videos. One has them showing taunts and swinging 360 degrees with the grapple (awesome!) the other shows them "travelling" with VS's across Canyon 810. Its cool, check it out