I don't mind it much, but it is definitely is a weapon for the homos so it is a homo laser.
What about you robotboot, you didn't vote.
I dont think theres anything wrong with it. If youre smart, its easy enough avoid ( use cover.. even small hills are enough if the angle is right).. you can even dodge/roll them if you time it properly.
besides using a homing laser will easily give away your position to a sniper. :D
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i use it fromk time to time, usually if I know the oposing team uses it exclusively, at which point I'll take it use it then place it somewhere we can protect against it's use. Otherwise it meh,
I think its a nice weapon. I mean, it's cool, but takes little skill to use. I have nothing against it, I just preffer to use weapons I actually have to aim... :rolleyes:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
It takes a little skill... you gotta dem little red circles tingys on the enemy and all...
Bies da way - I hates da ting! :eek:
It's a good weapon. It's not like you can't dudge it lol
i like it it just kind of sucks sometime. the layouts on pirate fortress with out it anrt that good. it would be nice if it was just a little bit easier to role away from it.
i like it it just kind of sucks sometime. the layouts on pirate fortress with out it anrt that good. it would be nice if it was just a little bit easier to role away from it. easy way too get used too dodging that weapon is just get someone too chase your around the map for awhile with it, good map would be pirate fortress, after 15 or 20min of being chased around you'll get where you can rollout of shots pretty easily, same with plasma rifle.