maybe we could have a gun that is out of synch in random cycles or something, that way we just shoot and while it looks like it's where we aim it actually alternates 2 - 3 feet forward and back so either way you cacth the buggers:D
I want a light saber. When you pick it up, it will be whatever color your team is.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Flame throwers would be cool too maybe even have them color coded to teams like the light saber:cool: , i remeber when I first started playing the game (were talking demo here) i thought the tanks on the back of the character were to a flame thrower and I rolled to get out of fire distance:D
If we could get flame throwers and light sabers into lost planet i don't think i'd ever bother to play anything else untill lost planet 2.
not that it isn't looking that way anyhow.
i think light sabers would kinda ruin the game. cuz i mean... what would be the point in the achine gun if some could just jump torward you and slice ya neck. ya know?
Hey I know, just use a shotgun!
If they are laggin real bad lead them more than usual.
Shotgun, good lag killer! :D
Hey I know, just use a shotgun! A Shotgun with a Light Saber attachted to it! :D
*pheewoosh!* *bwumzzz....* *hack/slice/jab/BANG!/sliceBANG!* :mad: "Die *****!!!" *BANG!/hack* :cool:
Ahem... I'm sorry... I got carried away... I am ashamed.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
A Shotgun with a Light Saber attached to it! :D And she will be my friend... and I will hold her, and kiss her, and hug her... and she shall be called Shabergun!
Ahem... I got carried away... however I am not ashamed. :o
Official Lifetime Charter Member of "Shotguns Anonymous"
Since you can't fire or blow up someone that is lagging, how about a throw. I'd love to grab the lagger and spinning piledriver them.
Well if you wanted a lightsaber game, wouldn't you just buy some Star Wars game? You could make a Lost Planet map pack for it maybe.