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Sticky: Weekly Clan Report
13 years ago  ::  May 25, 2007 - 5:21PM #1
Posts: 996
Hello all and here is the next installment I promised you. Today I am speaking with Distrustful HBI from けeadるusters エnc. to get some more insight on clans

So how did HeadBusters Inc come to be?

The core group of eight or so of us all had gotten the game right as it came out, and within a couple of weeks, we'd all meet up in hippie 330's room to play post grab for hours. And this went on for a week or so like that, when one night all of us were in the room at the same time, and CorpseBOT says, "Looks like we got ourselves a crew of head busters in here." And we liked the idea of calling ourselves "headbusters"... then the Inc got tossed on, and we became a clan.

Who were the original members of your clan?

The original members (in no particular order) were myself, Bren 42, hippie 330, billthc, PingPlayer, CorpseBOT, HBI Major V, NovemberReign82 and CrashOverideHBI. We added another five or so in the first week we had gotten together, but we hadn't had any success trying to get on Once we finally got on there, we added another few people until we hit 20, I think. The plan was to always have a crew on that could take on a clan match if necessary. (Which hasn't quite worked out... but that's partially due to Xbox failures and lack of internet connections, too.)

In your opinion what makes you guys the best clan out there?

The best thing about our clan is that we got together, not to try and make the best team possible, but because we played in the same style-- teamwork with tons of communication. It also helped that all of us rather frown on mech spawn killing and the use of the homing laser. Perhaps it's a bit of honor, and perhaps it's that we focus on getting the posts first and not killing first.

What tactics do you use to help you win matches and keep your skills up to par?

You've played in enough rooms with us to know exactly how we talk in both the lobby and in-game... we're out to have fun first and foremost-- to win is nice, yes, but if it's not fun why do it? Having fun AND winning is the goal, of course. Most of us get along famously. It usually doesn't matter which ones of us are on... if we're in the same room, we stick together. If one of us is hosting, we politely (well... maybe not so politely sometimes) let those who break our unwritten rules about spawn camping know that we don't play that way. 

Playing as a clan can be difficult with people spread all over the country and world.  Is your clan local or are you spread out over the country/world?

Physically, we're rather spread about the country. billthc (Oregon) and Campy 2 (Seattle) are Pacific North westerners, PingPlayer's in Arizona, Geeves and I are in Missouri, Bren and ToxicMonkey hang their hats in Kentucky, CorpseBOT's from West Virginia, Major V's from Virginia, and Megatron's near DC.

And lastly how can people find out about what games and more about the けeadるusters エnc.?

We've got our own website,, which Megatron's gotten us the naming rights and server hosting for (he works for an IT company).

けeadるusters エnc  current roster taken for their website.

billthc HBI, bren 42, CAMPY 2 HBI, CardiacOzone, CorpseBOT, ColonInfection, CrashOverideHBI, Distrustful HBI, GEEVES o HBI, Gideonfrostfire, HBI Major V, hippie330, Lifefire10 HBI, Megatron g1 HBI, MissCandeeAndee, NovemberReign82, ooOMEGAPRIMEoo, PINGplayer HBI, T Mahoney HBI, Toxic Monkey, x BAGMAN

You can also find them on a new ladder that was started by another clan that I will be doing a write up on in the near future

Well all that is all I have for this week but I will be back next week for another installment of your clan report….see you all in Lost Planet
chaser74 out
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13 years ago  ::  May 25, 2007 - 10:41PM #2
Posts: 563
good article, I've been looking for geeves lately can't seem to connect with him does he still host rooms?
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13 years ago  ::  May 26, 2007 - 9:18AM #3
Posts: 996
not sure i have been crackin down these last 2 weeks
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 04, 2007 - 1:20AM #4
Posts: 996
well it is that time again so here is the next interview with Tactical Warfare. I am currently working on a write up on how to create a clan and get into gaming. i should be done with that later this week till then.....

So how did Tactical Warfare come to be?

Tactical Warfare (TW) was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms (XBOX 360, PlayStation 3 and PC), to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics, as well as providing them with an environment that allows a “friends-first” experience in the online community.
We are pround to say that our membership is made of 300+ active members due to our attendance tracking system.

Current Divisions:
Ghost Recon 360 Division (GR:AW 2 360 + expansions)
Rainbow Six 360 Division (RS:Vegas 360 + expansions)
Gears of War 360 Division (GoW 360 + expansions)
Lost Planet 360 Division (LP:EC 360 + expansions)

Divisions in a trial phase:
Halo 360 Division (Halo 3 360 + expansions)

PlayStation Division which includes:
SOCOM PS3 (SOCOM CA PS2 / SOCOM PS3 + expansions)
Ghost Recon PS3 (GR:AW 2 PS3 + expansions)
Rainbow Six PS3 (RS:Vegas PS3 + expansions)
Warhawk PS3 (Warhawk PS3 + expansions)

Note: Once we have enough PS3 members, each game will have it's own Division

Who were the original members of your clan or division?
TW Biggy is the Commander in Chief of all of Tactical Warfare. He has founded and organized every division within TW including Lost Planet 360 Division. Some of the senior members of the LP 360 division are TW Signal, TW LostInPlace, TW Booldawg, TW Sayvoxia, TW Babers2697, TW Rev0lver, and anubis316

In your opinion what makes you guys the best clan out there?
We may not be the best but we are the best organized. With 2 scheduled practices a week and a 3rd optional so we play together a lot. We operate by military guidelines and include ranks and chain of command.

What tactics do you use to help you win matches and keep your skills up to par?
We operate using fire teams. Each fire team and its leader have designated objectives during a match and they are not to deviate from those objectives. We have very detailed voice communication procedures so as no one is overlapping during matchs or practices. Voice comms and teamwork are our strong points.

Playing as a clan can be difficult with people spread all over the country and world.  Is your clan local or are you spread out over the country/world?
Our clan is global. As you can see by our roster we have 2 battalions in each division.
1st battalion – North America, South America
2nd battalion – Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa

And lastly how can people find out about what games and more about the Tactical Warfare?
We are always recruiting so check it out.

LP 360 Division
Division Officer - TW Biggy
Operations Officer - TW Signal
1st Battalion Commanding Officer - TW LostInPlace
1st Battalion Executive Officer - TW NateDawgK2
2nd Battalion Commanding Officer - TW SweatySockz
2nd Battalion Executive Officer - TBA

Wolverine Squad Leader - TW Sayvoxia
Wolverine Squad Assistant - TW Babers2697
Wolverine Squad Members - anubis316, DIE 4 VENDETTA, dustyplumcandy, irockkickz, Neo Unknown, ramases2112, tbishop9870, TW Boaz93, TW Booldawg, TW Rev0lver, TW Wicked Lane

Pitbull Squad Leader - SXBones
Pitbull Squad Assistant - Teddo02
Pitbull Squad Members - Dave Spx, Dragan, Ice Monkey 208, khazed kea, No 1 Blue Eagle, PROWLING HUNTER, Ramshorn93, tsuduko, TWComrade Keanu, TW EvaptionX, TW HyDRoPWNx, TW Jachin, xxBIGWAHOOxx

Viper Squad Leader - TW psycoticBreak
Viper Squad Assistant - orteece
Viper Squad Members - burbridge, cloudedpaul, crazy00eyes, KyonoRocks, nuggsyboi, tarni

Cobra Squad Leader - nanno26
Cobra Squad Assistant - TBA
Cobra Squad Members - adam d h, fussyjo5h, mindshade, octojoe, wazzledazzle
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 07, 2007 - 4:21PM #5
Posts: 563
where's the weekly clan report dammit:D
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 07, 2007 - 4:26PM #6
Posts: 996
work is killing me but i am working on something that i hope will be enought for 2 weeks as i will be gone on vacation starting monday. but no worries i will get you guys something real soon
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 07, 2007 - 7:21PM #7
Posts: 563
no problems just thought I'd ask :D  Actually I've been swamped myself, wouldn't have even been on today but had to take care of some legal stuff for my boss threw my morning off completely and it's really not worth starting a project at 1:00 in the afternoon, better for me to do it tommorow nice and early then do fridays work a little on Sun and maybe Monday night...
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 11, 2007 - 3:31PM #8
Posts: 996
Hello all. I have decided this week to change gears. Instead of reporting on clans I have decided to let everyone know how to start their own clan. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like there are just a few basic things that you will need.
The first thing that is need is a group of friends that play together a lot. The two clans I have been in most of the guys on them have played Lost Planet since the demo. You don’t necessarily need friends but more of a group of like minded players who want to play competitive or just have fun. There are a lot of clans that are small and a few that are big, size is not important just as long as you have enough people to compete when needed and can make the minimum amount of players set forth by the rules of whatever ladder you are going through. Currently one that ladder system that is run by MLG and I can be located and This website has support for just about every type of game you can think of. Once you have your guys selected you will need to have a leader or co-leaders. The leaders of the clan will be the ones that setup and accept challenges from other clans.
Now you have a roster and some leaders the next option is do you want to have a website so other clans and players can find you and your clan? There are many free hosting site but the addresses can be difficult to use. The easiest way is to check out if the web address for you r clan name is free and purchase the rights from any number of sites. The next thing is to find someone to host your web page for you clan and set up forums and links along with the all the normal stuff web pages have. You can also see if some one will sponsor your site to help defer the costs incurred. Most of the web page is going to be all personal preference to what you and your clan wants and need.
The next step is to get your clan on an active ladder. Gamebattles is the most well know ladder system on the internet so I have chosen this one to show how to get your clan up and running. You will need to sign up for an account then create your clan. Once your clan is created and the correct ladder is joined you will need to invite all your players and set their level as co-leader, member and so forth. After you have invited your members and they have accepted and joined the roster there is a waiting period of 12 hours before they become eligible to play. Once all of your players are eligible you can start to challenge other clans. This can get quite frustrating as many of the higher ranked clans will no accept your challenges because you are unknown and if they lose they will lose a lot of points and possibly their rank on the ladder. Your best bet is to start at the bottom of the ranked clans and work your way up. There are many 2 types of clan matches Post Grab and Team Elimination. The official rules from each ladder can be found on the website. There can and is some deviation to the rules but you must make sure that they are agreed on before the match is accepted and the started. The best way to protect yourself on this is to have their leader AIM you so you can have a record that the other clan has agreed to the rules. Gamebattles does offer refs and moderators so if there are any problems with the matches you can get a hold of them so they can decide. If there are no refs online you can always submit a ticket and have them decide on the win or lose. After a few matches you will discover that there are good clans and bad clans but every clan has its quirks and stuff.
Here is the run down of the top 10 clans on Gamebattles as of Monday
1.    XB~Mafia record of 39-9
2.    DA~Wheelchair record of 30-3
3.    [d]eath [c]ount record 21-3
4.    SOUL REAPER record 33-19
5.    Annihilation record 23-0 Undefeated
6.    Party Time record 33-7
7.    S.W.A.T. record 19-2 Current Crown holders
8.    Silent Bred Killers record 19-2
9.    GAMERS UNITED(G.U) record 15-4
10.    the dutch killers record15-19

thanks all and happy gaming
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 12, 2007 - 12:00PM #9
Posts: 4,873
Chaser is da man. Da man from da cool clan. Da man from ANBU. :cool:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 25, 2007 - 1:29PM #10
Posts: 996
hello all sorry for the missed report last week. I took my daughter to a national dance competition (her team placed 3rd in the nation). I have just seen a bit of news on It would appear that on July 1st they will be reseting all the stats for all clans. This is the perfect time to get a new clan together so you can have a chance at the top ten spots and make some noise. I am looking forward to the reset as all clans will be the same and there wont be a lot of the "We can't play you cause you are so low on the ladders." well i hope to see you guys out on the field and have fun
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