well it is that time again so here is the next interview with Tactical Warfare. I am currently working on a write up on how to create a clan and get into gaming. i should be done with that later this week till then.....
So how did Tactical Warfare come to be?Tactical Warfare (TW) was created in November 2004 to bring together like-minded gamers from around the globe and from multiple platforms (XBOX 360, PlayStation 3 and PC), to provide them Head Quarters (web site) where they can share their backgrounds, experience, and interests in teamwork and tactics, as well as providing them with an environment that allows a “friends-first” experience in the online community.
We are pround to say that our membership is made of 300+ active members due to our attendance tracking system.
Current Divisions:
Ghost Recon 360 Division (GR:AW 2 360 + expansions)
Rainbow Six 360 Division (RS:Vegas 360 + expansions)
Gears of War 360 Division (GoW 360 + expansions)
Lost Planet 360 Division (LP:EC 360 + expansions)
Divisions in a trial phase:
Halo 360 Division (Halo 3 360 + expansions)
PlayStation Division which includes:
SOCOM PS3 (SOCOM CA PS2 / SOCOM PS3 + expansions)
Ghost Recon PS3 (GR:AW 2 PS3 + expansions)
Rainbow Six PS3 (RS:Vegas PS3 + expansions)
Warhawk PS3 (Warhawk PS3 + expansions)
Note: Once we have enough PS3 members, each game will have it's own Division
Who were the original members of your clan or division? TW Biggy is the Commander in Chief of all of Tactical Warfare. He has founded and organized every division within TW including Lost Planet 360 Division. Some of the senior members of the LP 360 division are TW Signal, TW LostInPlace, TW Booldawg, TW Sayvoxia, TW Babers2697, TW Rev0lver, and anubis316
In your opinion what makes you guys the best clan out there? We may not be the best but we are the best organized. With 2 scheduled practices a week and a 3rd optional so we play together a lot. We operate by military guidelines and include ranks and chain of command.
What tactics do you use to help you win matches and keep your skills up to par? We operate using fire teams. Each fire team and its leader have designated objectives during a match and they are not to deviate from those objectives. We have very detailed voice communication procedures so as no one is overlapping during matchs or practices. Voice comms and teamwork are our strong points.
Playing as a clan can be difficult with people spread all over the country and world. Is your clan local or are you spread out over the country/world? Our clan is global. As you can see by our roster we have 2 battalions in each division.
1st battalion – North America, South America
2nd battalion – Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa
And lastly how can people find out about what games and more about the Tactical Warfare? www.twhq.orgWe are always recruiting so check it out.
LP 360 Division
Division Officer - TW Biggy
Operations Officer - TW Signal
1st Battalion Commanding Officer - TW LostInPlace
1st Battalion Executive Officer - TW NateDawgK2
2nd Battalion Commanding Officer - TW SweatySockz
2nd Battalion Executive Officer - TBA
Wolverine Squad Leader - TW Sayvoxia
Wolverine Squad Assistant - TW Babers2697
Wolverine Squad Members - anubis316, DIE 4 VENDETTA, dustyplumcandy, irockkickz, Neo Unknown, ramases2112, tbishop9870, TW Boaz93, TW Booldawg, TW Rev0lver, TW Wicked Lane
Pitbull Squad Leader - SXBones
Pitbull Squad Assistant - Teddo02
Pitbull Squad Members - Dave Spx, Dragan, Ice Monkey 208, khazed kea, No 1 Blue Eagle, PROWLING HUNTER, Ramshorn93, tsuduko, TWComrade Keanu, TW EvaptionX, TW HyDRoPWNx, TW Jachin, xxBIGWAHOOxx
Viper Squad Leader - TW psycoticBreak
Viper Squad Assistant - orteece
Viper Squad Members - burbridge, cloudedpaul, crazy00eyes, KyonoRocks, nuggsyboi, tarni
Cobra Squad Leader - nanno26
Cobra Squad Assistant - TBA
Cobra Squad Members - adam d h, fussyjo5h, mindshade, octojoe, wazzledazzle