Battleground is my fav but never can get a game on it, after that Radar Field. Great shotgun map.
Team Ellimination------- Rifle -------- Lost Coast
Post Grab ------Machine Gun/Shot Gun ------Pirate Fortress
For me
Overall - Lost Coast is just about the greatest map on any game that ever was.
Works great on team elimination and rifles.
Fun rifle games are also at Dark Town, and of course Frozen Wasteland.
Frozen Wasteland is quite the VS battlefield if you are into that sort of thing.
Pirate Fortress is the original map in my eyes (from the demo playing), its just overall good (unless your spawn point is at the opposite side from the buildings.. you know which spawn im talking about).
Back to Lost Coast. You got the day/night changes. The fog. The huge outside areas, buildings, lots of underground/water areas. Greatest map evar!
yep pirate fortress is by far my least fav map, which is funny since it's so heavliy played, there's rooms I like to play in when not hosting that seem to only play Pirate, Dilapidation, Radar or Training, that's o.k. I guess but I like to mix em all up quite a bit, with pirates and training at the bottom of the list
my favorite maps are
Pirate Fortress Training Facility and Battleground
Crimson River Pirate Fortress trial point
I would have to go with:
The Island battleground wasteland Layout 3
1. Hands down its LOST COAST! Gives everyone what they like. Its close qtr fighting and Snipe heaven. The ONLY bad side is the VS's used to spawn rape. However even this can be limited if you play smart.